Advertise With RoutineHub

Advertising on RoutineHub gives you access to a growing community of iOS users who are passionate about tinkering and trying new things on their iPhones. Because RoutineHub runs Ethical Advertisements, they are not blocked by ad blockers. Your ads will appear at the bottom of the site. An example of what this will look like is at the bottom of this page. Ads are not exclusive. A total of 4 ads can run concurrently. We currently receive, on average, 4625 unique visitors each day.

Please contact [email protected] to get started.

Ethical Advertising

We use an ethical mindset when it comes to advertising:

  • We don't track users.
  • We don't sell user data.
  • We don't build profiles on users to target ads.
  • We only keep track of views and clicks.
  • We host everything ourselves. No third-party images or scripts.
  • We give 10% of all ad revenue to open-source projects that RoutineHub is built on, such as Django and Bulma.

Terms of Sale

* The estimated performance metrics above are updated nightly from current ad performance, but do not guarantee the performance of your purchased ads. Ad viewership varies over time, and response rates depend on the quality, content, and relevance of your ad.

All sales are final. No refunds.

The price and quantity of ads sold may change at any time.

Expirations and availability happen shortly after midnight EST.

RoutineHub may edit ad content for technical, layout, or style-conformance purposes, such as performing minor copy edits if necessary.

Once you purchase an ad, it must be approved by RoutineHub before it goes live, which typically occurs within 24 hours. RoutineHub reserves the right to reject an ad for any reason, such as (but not limited to) billing issues, quality concerns, or content.

Ad text and images must be appropriate for a general audience of all ages.

If your ad is not accepted, your payment will be refunded if possible, with the refund pro-rated if the ad has already run for a portion of its purchased duration.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.