July In Review

Written by Harley Hicks on Aug. 1, 2019

At the beginning of July, I added CORS support in the API.


There was one new membership, but no advertisements in July. You'll notice a discrepency between the last sentence and what is shown in the table below. The last advertisement payment in June came into my bank account in the beginning of July. Same with a membership payment.

Below is the table of what came in and what came out of the bank account.

                | Credit | Debit 
Advertising     |  $47.75|
Memberships |  $18.62|
Bank Charges    |        |   $0.15
Hosting         |        |  $20.02
Totals          |  $66.37|  $20.17
Difference      |        |  $46.20

Another cash positive month! Yippee!