August In Review

Written by Harley Hicks on Sept. 1, 2019

Nothing happened in August for the site.


There was one new membership, but no advertisements in August.

Below is the table of what came in and what came out of the bank account.

                    | Credit |  Debit 
Memberships     |   $9.31|
Bank Charges        |        |   $0.15
Hosting             |        |  $22.76
Apple Dev Membership|        | $105.44
Totals              |   $9.31| $128.35
Difference          |        |-$119.04

I bought a yearly membership for Apple development. I'm hoping to start working on an iOS version of RoutineHub soon (no promises of the outcome!). That caused this to be a net loss month, but I'm still net positive for the year. :)