September In Review

Written by Harley Hicks on Oct. 1, 2019

In September we got iOS 13 with a fancy new version of the Shortcuts app. There are some compatibility issues between iOS 12 and 13 Shortcuts, so I've added in a way to select what version of iOS your shortcut works with.


3 new memberships this month! 2 of the membership payments didn't hit my account in the calendar month as they were late in the month.

Pushcut did an advertisement on the site this month!

Below is the table of what came in and what came out of the bank account.

                | Credit |  Debit 
Advertising |  $47.75|
Memberships |   $9.31|
Bank Charges    |        |   $0.15
Hosting         |        |  $22.41
Totals          |  $57.16|  $22.56
Difference      |        |  $34.60

Cash positive month again :)