May 2019 in Review

Written by Harley Hicks on June 26, 2019

I was pretty much dead in May. I traveled to Nova Scotia for a wedding (almost 90 hours of driving total) and celebrated 2 of kids birthdays. Needless to say, I found myself working on my gardens more than tapping on my keyboard when I got home.

The moderators continued to do amazing work.


There was only 1 advertiser in May. I'll be donating $5 to the Django Foundation.

Three new members in May! Thanks!

I bought a book in May, and it's one of the best business books I've ever read. It's The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick. It really inspired me to start asking better questions about business ideas and exploring feature requests from the community. If you are an entrepreneur, have ideas for a product or business, or a developer who works on new features, I highly recommend this book. Worth every penny and page.

Below is the table of what came in and what came out of the bank account.

                | Credit | Debit 
Advertising     |  $47.75|
Memberships     |  $28.13|
Bank Charges    |        |   $0.15
Hosting         |        |  $19.10
Book            |        |  $28.41
Totals          |  $75.88|  $47.66
Difference      |        |  $28.22

Another net positive month! Woohoo!