Daily Routine

Helps guide you through your day!


This shortcut incorporates 5 different shortcuts into one, plus supports UpdateKit & DependKit.

This shortcut will take a look at the time and will provide you with the corresponding information. If it's the morning, it will follow my previously released Morning Routine.

If it's the afternoon or early evening it will take a look at your battery level and determine and provide a recommendation if you should plug your phone in or not (currently set at 40%)

The final one will go through my bedtime routine. I don't have any home automation, so it's a very simple set of statements which tell you your battery level, takes a look at the next day and sets up an alarm (current set to 90mins prior to your first appointment before 0900) and if no events set for the next day, will turn on your day off alarm (which mine was set for 0930).

I will also be looking at streamlining and including potentially more into this daily routine shortcut and I have made it all text/speech base to allow you to do all of it hands free.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Latest Release Notes

1.2 - Nov. 25, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

Shortcut will verify the phone is charging over a 24 second period. This will only happen if your phone level is below 40% as it was originally written above.
Shortcut will provide an update in the afternoon portion of any outstanding reminders that you haven’t completed yet.
Also created a separation to determine when it’s the afternoon/evening vs actually going to bed. Any shortcut launch prior to 2200hrs (or whatever time you determine) will run as if you are still staying awake. If you run between 2200 & 2359, it will ask if you are heading to bed or if you are just looking for a news update.

Past versions