Remind Me!

A simple reminder shortcut for Reddit links


Remind Me!

A simple reminder shortcut for Reddit links

Remind Me! is a shortcut inspired from the RemindMe bot on Reddit. I created this shortcut to easily make reminders for Reddit posts or comments. It uses the Reddit .json endpoint to get information about the subreddit, title, and content of the post. I’ve included a couple of options for reminder times, including one hour, five hours, and one day, but you can also choose your own time to set the reminder for.

  • Easy to use. Pass a URL to it, or enter one manually.
  • Uses Reddit API. This shortcut uses the Reddit API to pull information about the post you have selected. You do not need an API key.

made by @heyitzspencer

Latest Release Notes

1.1 - Nov. 26, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

-Fixed issue with official Reddit app compatibility involving queries being added to the url.

Past versions