Open Sesame

Modular alternative to Opener


Open Sesame

Modular alternative to Opener

Open Sesame is a Shortcut I made as a modular alternative to Opener, which is a fantastic app for opening URLs inside other applications. Open Sesame uses DependKit for automatically installing the modules you choose. Open Sesame modules are installed from this Pastebin link, which I will be updating to include more modules. Please leave feedback for any requests for modules you would like me to implement.

Currently supported apps are:

  • Easy to use. Just pass a URL to it through the Shortcuts share extension.
  • Modular. You choose which apps you'd like to open your links in.
  • Fast. Not the fastest, but a lot faster than I would've expected it to be.
  • Multiple apps for one link. If you've chosen multiple modules that might support the same link, a menu will appear for you to select which app you'd like to use.
  • DependKit support. You won't have to worry about installing modules manually; DependKit will do it for you.

made by @heyitzspencer

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Nov. 25, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

-Initial release

Past versions