Daily Briefing with Health Data

Daily Briefing - Similar to RoutineHub - 1128


Keeping this one separate from the other Daily Briefing and will update them separately when needed.

Original shortcut put together by u/idelaware.

Posted to RoutineHub with his permission and my changes.

Shortcuts are fantastic and I've been having a lot of fun, however I haven't found them particularly useful, or at least something that can't already be done with an app. However, one thing that I feel Apple has been missing is a daily email (like Gmail does) that displays your calendar for the day. I don't need Siri to read me things, I want to fire off an email to myself with all of the information I need for today so that I can sit down and digest the briefing when I get to work or on my commute. To me, THIS is what shortcuts was designed to do. Each section is commented out so that you can can edit and adjust these as necessary. Although time-based triggering is (hopefully) coming in the future, this manual email aggregates a LOT of useful information (and also some fun stuff too!). Upon launching the shortcut, you will receive a customized email with the following information, all added with basic HTML to make it look nice to start your day. I have tried to cite those that I used in the shortcut as best I could:

  • A warm greeting
  • The current date
  • A random quote (u/JoeReally) (remember that you can only call this 5 times in 1 hour)
  • A random r/Showerthoughts (u/CRShelton)
  • Your horoscope for the day (u/doinbox) (make sure to spell it correctly)
  • Today's top news (I've already replaced it with my personal choice)
  • Today's weather forecast from Carrot Weather
  • The extended forecast from Carrot Weather
  • Your scheduled events:
  • All Day
  • Remainder of events
  • Your reminders:
  • Due today
  • List of additional reminders
  • Upcoming birthdays (the next 5 on your calendar...I made this shortcut a while ago but adapted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/9ue06p/upcoming_birthdays/)
  • If the birthday is today, you will get a notification as well so as not to forget!
  • Health Data NEW

    Heart Rate, Resting Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Total Steps, Mindful Minutes and hours of sleep.

  • A random joke to end your email

Hope you like it, and please let me know if you update it with other useful items!

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Dec. 6, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Initial Release

Past versions