Pomodoro Time Management

Pomodoro is a time management technique. This Shortcut is THE Pomodoro Shortcut


Pomodoro Time Management

Read more about Pomodoro from Wikipedia

What's this:

A complete Pomodoro Time Management Shortcut. It will allow you to choose the duration of your Pomodoro, your short break and your long break, as well as how many full cycles you would like to run.

In addition you can choose a Reminder from iPhone Reminders to focus on in each Pomodoro. If you choose a Reminder, after the Pomodoro it will ask you if you completed it or not. Upon completion it will duplicate the Reminder and set a "Completed" after the name. Unfortunately Shortcuts doesn't allow you to Complete the reminders (meaning, checking the check-box).

After choosing your time settings, the Shortcut will start your timer and notify you when you need to take a break and for how long.

In Action:

in action

Latest Release Notes

0.01 - Dec. 11, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

First Release

Past versions