Network Tool

Everything you need to know about your Wi-Fi


This Shortcut checks your Wi-Fi connection and if there isn’t any it will tell you. If there is, it will give you a few options...

  1. Show information about Wi-Fi - Your Network name, Internal and External IP

  2. Do a Speed test - Self explanatory, uses as its default

  3. Test ping

  4. Advanced information lookup - Your IP number and name, router, and your Wi-Fi’s country location, and plus your Wi-Fi’s Service Provider

  5. Physical IP location (Map) - Your Wi-Fi’s location on Apple Maps

  6. Share my Wi-Fi via QR code - Your Wi-Fi through a QR code

Adapted from here

Latest Release Notes

1.3 - Dec. 11, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Added “Ask for Input” for WiFi Password on QR Code

Past versions