Kraków TTSS

Show times for frequent trams on your route in Kraków


This is a huge Shortcut that allows you to check trams going from A to B in Kraków (Poland). You can add your favourite stops or search for stops


  • Gets you a list of trams going from point A to B
  • Shows you the time of arrival
  • A lot of settings (for a Shortcut at least, check them out below)
  • Can be configured to work with Siri without any other user interaction
  • Can be configured to save the results to a notification for later reference
  • Add a list of favourite stops


  • ask_everytime — When enabled it will ask you from which and to which stop you want to go everytime you run the Shortcut. When this is disabled it will check trams between point 1 and 2 on your list of tram stops.

  • ask_direction — When enabled it will ask you if you want to go from point 1 to point 2 or vice-versa (e.g. “Work > Home” or “Home > Work”). When this is disabled it won’t ask for input and will check trams between point 1 and 2 on your list of tram stops. Note: this setting is only considered when ask_everytime is disabled.

  • notification_list — When this is enabled it will send you the list of trams in a notification for later reference.

  • notification_route — When this enabled and you select a tram to check it’s route, you will receive a notification with the list of the stops for later reference.

  • siri_enabled — When enabled Siri will tell you about all the things :) This will only tell you about the first tram on the list of departures towards your destination

  • siri_lang_pl — When enabled Siri will tell you everything in Polish. When disabled Siri will speak English.

Latest Release Notes

1.4 - June 7, 2019, 11:54 p.m.

• fixed a problem the API (%UNIT_MIN%)

Past versions