Micro Center Intel Processor Prices

Get microcenter.com Intel CPU prices


Pulls the a 8th i7 and the 9th Generation of Intels Desktop Processors that are sold by MicroCenter.com and than shows a notice to you and than saves the info to iCloud to help keep track of price changes in text format.

Best if ran from Shortcuts or Siri. Using the widget uses to much memory.

*Post if you’d want AMD processors or other products, I picked the 4 main processors for the moment.

i3 - 8th gen isn’t being sold bc it’s outdated

i5 - 8th gen isn’t being sold bc it’s outdated

Latest Release Notes

1.2 - Dec. 20, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

Added the ability to view one of the processors on microcenters site.

Past versions