Manga Manager

Check for new manga releases to download


This Shortcut will connect to a sever running the “cum” utility. Which is a tool that will scrape several manga websites and download any new issues.

You can find more information on setting this up at the following github repo

Please note: I did not make or contribute to this github project in any way. It’s just a program I use to grab my new issues. Any questions or issues with this project should be directed to that github page. I have found that this program runs best in Linux. macOS returns errors when running most of the commands through the Shortcut.

I use this in conjunction with YACReader on the same Linux server. With a port forward from my router and so I can read new issues on my iPhone or iPad from anywhere in the world.

Supports CryptoKit. So have your cryptokit password ready to paste in the install questions.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Dec. 20, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

This Shortcut will connect to a sever running the “cum” utility. Which is a tool that will scrape several manga websites and download any new issues.

You can find more information on setting this up at the follow github repo

Please note: I did not make or contribute to this github project in any way. It’s just a program I use to grab my new issues. Any questions or issues with this project should be directed to that github page.

I use this in conjunction with YACReader on the same Linux server. With a port forward from my router and so I can read new issues from my iPhone or iPad from anywhere in the world.

Past versions