Control Centre Weather Report updated 27/07/2019 (iOS 13)

Works with Control Centre


Control Centre Weather Report

Note requires Control Centre update to run available here

New Hourly Forecast Local Weather

New Long Range Forecasts for Local and Any City in the World

Get a fully daily weather report for any capital city, for today, tomorrow, day after tomorrow and any day looking up to ten days forward.

As you can see below this weather report offers significant advantages:

  • World Capital Cities
  • Around 400 plus other cities in the world too
  • Weather reports based on your locations stored in the Control Centre Address Database.
  • Current Location

  • Weather Report uses Control Centre Screen Reports to display feature rich weather, it looks so much more stylish than anything shown by way of a “Show Results Box”

  • Weather shown for Abu Dhabi

  • here it is shown using Show Results as a comparison

Latest Release Notes

13.1 - July 30, 2019, 11:24 p.m.

Adjusted an issue where the weather readings may be incorrect.

Past versions