Set alert for upcoming Mini spawn

Add event in calender which alerts you when the next mini will spawn


For a F2P with no premium, it’s hard to keep track of when the mini is going to spawn.

So I created this to track some of Minis to notify when they will be spawning and alert me 2mins before then.

Run this shortcut when the mob just died or if you know in how many minutes that the mini is going to spawn.

During the run, the shortcut will prompt to remove past alerts from the calendar, I usually like my calender clean so I have them removed on every run. If you don't need this, you can disable it during the import.

If you open up the event in the calender, you'll also see a note with the approximate time that the Mini was killed.

Watch the youtube link on how it works:

Only works for Mini with 30mins spawn time like Smokie, Eclipse and Ghostring at the moment

I'll be improving this shortcut along the way, hopefully to get sprites on the menu.

You're also welcome to send me feedbacks and features to add-on.

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Latest Release Notes

1.1.2 - Jan. 10, 2019, 3:26 a.m.

Remove “eclipse - labyrinth” as shortcut is not built for 60mins spawn yet.

Past versions