NOAA Multi-Day Forecast by Siri

Select a one, three, five, or seven day NOAA U.S. forecast to be read by Siri.


This Shortcut will find your current location in the United States from your device and get the weather forecast from the U.S. National Weather Service (NOAA).


  • Select from a one, three, five, or seven day forecast.
  • Siri will read to you the current local forecast.
  • On installation, select your preferred Siri voice.
  • Works for any location within all 50 states in the United States and Puerto Rico.


To adjust the length of the "One Day" forecast, change the number after the second comment. Depending on your area, entering a "3" or "5" may be required for a shorter or longer forecast.

The number for the ending indexes for other forecast durations may also be adjusted in the Shortcut as required to match your local NOAA forecasts.

Latest Release Notes

2.6 - Jan. 17, 2019, 8:12 p.m.

Import questions added to select preferred Siri language and voice.

Past versions