View ESPN News: NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, Motorsports, ESPNU, College Football and Basketball.


This shortcut will retrieve articles from ESPN in a number of categories, including Top News, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, Motorsports, ESPNU, College Football, College Basketball.

By default, it shows Top News, NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL, but you can easily configure it to show more or less categories.

You can also configure the the number of articles per category and even tell it to pull one at random.

This shortcut can be run stand-alone or from another shortcut as RoutineKit or My RoutineKit which will pull information from various other shortcuts like this together.

This shortcut also incorporates the UpdateKit shortcut so you can receive a notification to download a new version when I make updates to this shortcut.

Keywords: ESPN, sports, news, football, NFL, basketball, NBA, baseball, MLB, hockey, NHL, motorsports, ESPNU, college.

Supports: RoutineKit, UpdateKit.

Compatibility: iPhone, iPad.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Jan. 16, 2019, 6:20 p.m.

Initial release of the ESPN News shortcut.

Past versions