Gym/Exercise Timer

A timer for the gym or any kind of exercise


A timer for the gym or any kind of exercise, that could be circuit training, high intensity interval training (HIIT), Tabata or anything of that sort.

I use it for HIIT on the exercise bike. It has a warm up, which you set as it asks when you open the shortcut initially. Then it asks how long your Low round should be, asking you again. Then asks how long your High round should be, asking you again. Then asks you how many times you would like this high/low cycle to repeat, asking you again. Then asks how long your cool down should be, asking you again.

Then when you run the shortcut it will speak out what to do and when to change, then at the end it logs everything as high intensity interval training (HIIT) but this can easily be changed in the Log Workout command at the end.

Also supports UpdateKit.

Latest Release Notes

1.5 - March 3, 2019, 11:57 a.m.

Added an exit button at the start

Past versions