Meditative Breathing

Breathing to calm down, chill out and ground yourself


Now I started off meditation a couple years ago, starting off with guided and then unguided. I then thought how can I make this quicker for those days I just don’t have time.

I then realised it’s mainly all about breathing, I then discovered breathing techniques.

So that’s what this shortcut is based on. At the start it asks how many repetitions of the chosen breathing technique you would like to perform. Setting it to the default is a good number to work out how many you need. Now it depends how I’m feeling as to how many I need, those days when I’m mentally tired I do 10, and those days where I just needs a quick reset I only need 5. Before is starts it tells you how many cycles you’ve selected and says ‘get ready’ It then goes through ‘breathe in for X seconds’ then ‘hold your breath for X seconds’ (if applicable) then ‘breathe out for X seconds’ then it repeats the process for as many cycles as you’ve chosen.

Throughout this your devices in ‘do not disturb’ so you don’t get interrupted. It then tells you ‘you’ve just completed mindful minutes’ for ‘X’ time. It then logs everything in health and takes your phone out of ‘do not disturb’

Also supports UpdateKit.

Latest Release Notes

2.2 - Sept. 10, 2019, 8:17 a.m.

Now turns do not disturb off at the end of the 1, 2 breathing

Past versions