Reports are sent to moderators of RoutineHub. They are not sent to the author of the shortcut that you report. If you are having trouble using a shortcut, please leave feedback for the author on the shortcut's page instead.
Reports must select what submission rule the shortcut is violating.
Submission rules:
- Include your own work - Your Shortcut must only contain your own work and content you have been allowed to reproduce.
- Include proper attribution - If some of your Shortcut is copied or borrowed from another shortcut, proper attribution must be placed in a note action inside the Shortcut at the top.
- Description and title must clearly explain what the shortcut does - Descriptions and titles that intentionally conceal high-risk and/or malicious actions violate this rule.
- Do not link to illegally hosted content - Do not include links to places that violate copyright law, such as torrent sites or free streaming sites.
- Mark as NSFW if necessary - If your shortcut contains NSFW (not safe for work), or adult content (18+), it must be marked as such.
- Do not gather data from a user's device without permission - User data is owned by the user. Do not gather data and send it to yourself in any way without the user's permission.