Bill Calculator

Ever needed to split a bill? Ever needed to add a tip? Do both here and pay the right amount


Ever needed to split a bill? Ever needed to add a tip? Do both here and pay the right amount every tIme.

This shortcut starts off and asks what the total bill is, easy enough! Then asks how many people are there, to work out the single person price. Then asks you how many people your paying for.

After that it asks how much tip you want to leave, anything from nothing, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%.

Then tells you exactly how much you have to pay. This can be used anywhere, from a meal, coffee shop, clothing shop etc. anywhere which needs you to split any kind of bill!

Also supports UpdateKit.

Latest Release Notes

1.3 - March 3, 2019, 11:49 a.m.

Added an exit button at the start

Past versions