
LCR with up to 10 Dice



This app mimics the LCR dice game sold in stores. The game involves rolling three dice. Each die has 4 options, Left, Center, Right, and Keep. Each player starts with 3 chips, or nickles, quarters, etc. If the die show Left, Left, Keep, then the player must give 2 of his chips to the person on his left, and Keep one for himself. Players will only roll the number of dice that corresponds to the number of chips they have so if a player only has one chip, he only rolls one die. The game continues until one person remains and has collected all the chips. Players on occasion may get put out of the game by the roll of the dice but may re-enter if a player on either side is forced to give them one or more of their chips.

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - Feb. 14, 2019, 2:18 p.m.

Initial version

Past versions