
Create a rich media diary in Bear (Movies, TV Shows, Games, Books Music, Podcasts)



Example images

Ever been recommended something to watch/read/play/listen to and forget to write it down?

Never again!

Media2Do let's you search for movies, TV Shows, games, books, music or podcasts and add them to a beautiful to-do list in Bear.

You can then choose to add a reminder in either Things or Reminders.

Latest Release Notes

1.2 - April 2, 2019, 11:17 p.m.

* Option to check for updates using UpdateKit
* Ability to toggle the 'add a reminder' prompt
* Ability to add a note to a new to-do (needs to be toggled on manually at the top of the shortcut at the moment)
* Changed podcast emoji to headphones instead of music note

Past versions