Workday Availability

Easily share your availability via a list of free blocks of time


Generates a list of your blocks of free time based on the events in a single calendar, which you can then email, copy to your clipboard, or share using the share sheet. Example output:

I have the following availability:

March 21 (Thursday)
   9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
   1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

March 22 (Friday)
   8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
   11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
   1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

March 23 (Saturday)
   No availability

There are a lot of calendar availability shortcuts out there, but none of them met my needs, so I made this one. It will work best for people who have similar work hours each day and who don't need or want travel time to be automatically calculated for them.

Set your options when you install by answering the configuration questions. You can also access the configuration wizard at any time from Workday Availability's shortcut settings.


  • Set the start and end times for your typical work day as a persistent preference. No availability will be shown outside of these times.
  • Query your availability for a single day, or for a range of days. Availability will be displayed for each day in the range given.
  • Will ignore all-day events unless their titles contain a certain phrase (chosen by you), such as "Out of Office". Shortcuts is unfortunately unable to filter calendar events by the native "busy/free" time flag, so this is necessary.
  • Define the minimum amount of time for a block to be considered "free". Either set this as a global preference, or set to zero in order to be asked on each run.
  • Provides multiple ways to get the availability list out of Workflow, including via Mail, Gmail, copying to the clipboard, or via the share sheet. (Note that Gmail doesn't properly handle line breaks, so the output is copied to the clipboard for you to paste.)
  • Refers to events from only one calendar (because I use multiple calendars, most of which don't represent appointments/busy times).
  • Does not attempt to account for travel time. (I feel that doing this well would require making too many assumptions about how the user utilizes the calendar.)
  • Supports UpdateKit.

Latest Release Notes

1 - March 22, 2019, 1:54 a.m.

Initial release

Past versions