The Swear Jar

A fun way to keep track of “swears” and send Apple Pay requests to a contact


The Swear Jar


My girlfriend lives in Chicago, I live in San Jose. Every time I mention how beautiful the weather is in the middle of winter she would say I owe her $1. So, this Shortcut was created.

Alternatively, you can you use it every time your friend (or whoever) swears. It’s really more of a fun way of keeping track.

This Shortcut allows you to:

  • Log each “swear” when it happens and save it in the background
  • Log each “swear” + send an Apple Pay request to your contact with the amount you feel they need to contribute to The Swear Jar
  • View all entries saved from The Swear Jar
  • Delete The Swear Jar entries
  • Check For Updates

Have fun!

Note: Apple recently updated their Apple Pay/Cash Terms and Conditions. If you’re getting an Apple Pay error message go into your Wallet and Agree to the Terms and Conditions

Latest Release Notes

1.0 - March 22, 2019, 1:43 p.m.

First version. Welcome!

Past versions