Send Things

To-Do from you in someone else's inbox


Power up your Things 3 app. One of most important GTD aspects is to put all things to your inbox and not missing any. This and other shortcuts of Things series will help you accomplish that.

Send Things is a shortcut for your boss, bussiness partner, life partner, parent or enybody who you would like to let adding To-Dos to your inbox. Or for you to add To-Dos to inbox of your employe, bussiness partner, kid etc.

This one actually require Things 3 app for the recipient, not necessarily for shortcut user, who is the sender :-)

It will probably work with Todoist and other apps with the adding tasks via e-mail feature.

Latest Release Notes

2.0 - March 28, 2019, 10:13 a.m.

- Added sending text messages to avoid skipping an urgent To-Do
- Easier configuration process

Past versions