
New And Exciting Functions Added To RoutineHub




New exciting functions added to RoutineHub!

This shortcut adds (as the name says) adds the “random user” and “random shortcut” option to RoutineHub. It also adds the ability to search for users as well, which at the time of writing this , is not on RoutineHub.

Say “Goodbye” To losing your Shortcuts!

If you delete your favorite shortcut , or one you just like very much, and you remember the user, but not the shortcut name itself. Well, you look for the user, but can’t find it. Now with RoutineHub++ that utter frustration is gone. Just Type, Hit “OK”, and that’s it. 2 Taps!

Get Inspired

Explore unfamiliar shortucts and concepts that you haven’t found yet. Or just you haven’t searched for. Get inspired and spark creativity for your shortcuts.

Random User

See diffrent users you may of never seen and explore thier work and shortcuts just for fun.

And More!

  • Search For A Shorctut
  • Show a bunch of random shortcuts
  • Download A Random Shortcut
  • A Random Shortcuts Page
  • ~~See A Shortcut Reccomended for You!~~ Coming Soon!
  • ~~See A User Recommended for You!~~ Coming Soon!


Made By Jonathan Setzer!

Latest Release Notes

1.1 - April 20, 2019, 10:28 p.m.

Added the vCard For The Menu
Credit: @_qwertyuiop_.

Past versions