Magic 8 Ball

A classic magic 8 ball with all of the original responses originally. Product originally by Mattel


Update V.2.0.0 This shortcut can no longer run via the widget due to the blue dye text having to use HTML code. It must be run in the app. If the shortcut is run via the shortcut it will just now open the app and run it then show you a preview with the text a blue digital dye.

The magic 8 ball was a fun past time as a kid but now we have technology so why not put the magic 8 ball right in your pocket with this shortcut. A simple tap can give you one of 20 responses. Sadly there is no shake option since shortcuts can’t do that (yet) future updates may add more phrases but I’m not stopping you from adding your own. Leave feedback and feature requests in the comments.

Latest Release Notes

2.0.2 - April 24, 2019, 5:53 p.m.

Added some product information.

Past versions