
Screenshot Corrupter ™

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3.001 6 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Introducing Screenshot Corrupter 3.001! This update has changes to make sure a user’s experience is the best it can be.


3.0 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Introducing Screenshot Corrupter 3.0! This is a major update to Screenshot Corrupter, introducing a new UI!


2.2.2 8 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 12
Screenshot Corrupter 2.2.2 improves the speed and stability of the shortcut.


2.2.1 11 months, 1 week ago
iOS 12
Welcome to Screenshot Corrupter 2.2.1! This MAJORLY optimizes Screenshot Corrupter! This update is to prepare for Screenshot Corrupter 3.0.


2.2 1 year, 1 month ago
iOS 12
Introducing Screenshot Corrupter 2.2! This update has MAJOR optimizations towards the update check and Screenshot Corrupter as a whole!


2.13 1 year, 1 month ago
iOS 12
Welcome to Screenshot Corrupter 2.13! This update is a major security update and provides minor optimizations towards boot times.


2.12 1 year, 2 months ago
iOS 12
Improved Security!


2.11 1 year, 2 months ago
iOS 12
Welcome to Screenshot Corrupter 2.11! This version is the first ever version of Screenshot Corrupter to support QuickUpdate! Not only that, but 2 major security vulnerabilities/oversights were fixed in this version! 2.11 also is more stable than previous versions. With all of this, 2.11 is basically like a new major update! Thanks for 199 downloads for Super Respring, and 137 downloads for this Shortcut! I actually had this finished Monday 5/27/2019, but decided to delay it for reasons. I hope you like this release :)


2.1 1 year, 2 months ago
iOS 12
INTRODUCING 2.1 - THE FIRST MAJOR UPDATE TO SCREENSHOT CORRUPTER SINCE 2.0! This update automatically enables RV mode if the user is not on 50%. Due to this, the RV on option in Settings has been removed, as there is no longer a need for it. Brand new icons for options in the settings menu! Improved Security. (There was a Security Vulnerability/Oversight where someone could bypass Update Check without removing DRM, which has been fixed in this version.) Major Optimizations to make the Shortcut boot faster, and some optimizations to have the shortcut take up less space.


2.03 1 year, 2 months ago
iOS 12
Introducing the brand new DRM! While this DRM takes up a lot of space, it doesn’t actually increase boot times by much! This update is to prepare for 2.1’s new features to make sure that if anyone steals this shortcut, they will have a hard time removing Update Check or changing it to update their stolen shortcut unless they use an older version like 2.021.


2.021 1 year, 2 months ago
iOS 12
Optimized boot times for devices not on internet. Fixed a bug with the Update Checker,


2.02 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
Introducing 2.02! This update optimizes the shortcut for faster boot times and so the shortcut takes up less storage. This shortcut also is slightly more stable. Update Check will only operate on WiFi now, due to Get Current IP Address being unstable in Shortcuts 2.2.1.


2.01 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
BRAND NEW RV MODE! (Currently in alpha) RV Mode Reverses pdata, and what that does is while it makes 50% break when RV’s on, it makes 25% and 10% work on Shortcuts 2.2.1, the newest version of Shortcuts! 1% Also works better on RV Mode, too! Also, this update GREATLY REDUCED BOOT TIMES AND STORAGE THIS SHORTCUT TAKES UP! I originally planned for 2.01 to have 166 actions, and it’s actually even less than that at 162! I also got rid of the old Anti-Piracy method, as while it was good to stop pirates, it made boot times SLOW. It doesn’t really make sense to have an Anti-Piracy method if your DRM also negatively effects normal users. Not only that, but pirates could easily remove it and its checks, which also gave them better boot times than regular versions. For these reasons, the DRM has been removed this update, and we hope to have a much faster one soon!


2.0 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
INTRODUCING THE COMPLETE VERSION OF 2.0, RELEASED FOR 50 DOWNLOADS AND THE SHORTCUT BEING OUT FOR 1 WEEK! Thanks everyone for downloading this shortcut! The Complete version of 2.0 is different from the previous beta by fixing a MAJOR bug in the settings menu, and this shortcut’s Update Check has been extremely optimized! And i’m not talking about only a few optimizations - I mean that the ENTIRE ALGORITHM OF THE UPDATE CHECKER HAS BEEN REDISIGNED! The shortcut has also had optimizations as well for it to boot faster and take up less storage. Differences from 1.11 (last non-beta Version): Choose what Screenshot you want to corrupt! Merged this with the Data Reset tool. Improvements to the UI (User Interface) and more stable. New Anti-Piracy Check. Also, while not in this Version of the Shortcut, I have made an “RV Mode” and what it basically does is - y’know how 25% and 10% aren’t that stable on Shortcuts 2.2.1? RV Mode makes it so that while 50% will no longer work, 25% and 10% work! Also, 1% works a bit better on RV Mode! The reason I haven’t released RV Mode yet is due to I still haven’t tested it enough - but it will come in a future version of 2.0, and as long as beta testing goes smoothly, it should release this month!


2.0 Beta 4 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
When this Shortcut was renamed Screenshot Corrupter, there were still some times it mentioned its original name, Photo Corrupter, or talked about snapshots (not screenshots). This beta version changes those to mention Screenshot Corrupter, and not photo Corrupter. Brand new Anti-Piracy, to make sure you don’t have any pirated material stored on your device. More Stable. I tried to Optimize the shortcut, but unfortunately I couldn’t find any way to optimize boot times or storage. I’m planning for this to be the last beta version for 2.0, so if everything goes according to plan, Next version should be 2.0


2.0 Beta 3 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
This beta version mainly improves the UI (User Interface). However, there are some (small) Optimizations made so that the Shortcut has better boot times and takes up less storage. Also, forgot to put this in last change log, but 2.0 Beta 2 should be slightly more stable than previous versions.


2.0 Beta 2 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
Merged Screenshot Corrupter with Photo Corrupter - Data Reset due to it making more sense. Unfortunately, while I am making progress removing the gray line bug, it will take some time to remove, so I decided to add a not-a-screenshot alert. Unfortunately, there has been no optimizations to boot time or storage in this beta version.


2.0 Beta 1 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
MAJOR NEW FEATURE - CHOOSE THE SNAPSHOT YOU WANT TO CORRUPT, INSTEAD OF MOST RECENT! Major Optimizations to improve boot time and storage. Sorry for calling this “photo Corrupter” before, only tested this with a couple snapshots and didn’t know couldn’t corrupt photos :/ but anyways, I decided to rename this shortcut until I finally get to fix around the grey line bug.


1.11 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
More Optimizations to make the Shortcut boot faster and take up less storage.


1.1 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
MAJOR NEW FEATURE - CHOOSE HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO CORRUPT YOUR PHOTO! This is a major new feature I hope you will all like :D. Improved UI to enhance the user’s experience. New Optimizations to make the shortcut Boot Faster and take up less storage.


1.02 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
New ability to skip through the iPhone warning. New optimizations to make boot times faster and take up less storage. New (possible) future compatibility to use on a Mac - when Siri Shortcuts comes on the Mac, that is.


1.01 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
Brand New Warnings for those using iPhones and aren’t using 4:3 aspect ratios. New optimizations to make the shortcut take up less storage and boot faster. Removed Preview due to not working correctly most of the time, and I couldn’t figure out how to get it to work. Report any bugs or make any suggestions to the feedback section, or @octifine on Twitter.


1.003 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
Fixed bug with the Update Checker - I kinda forgot to remove something that I was using to check if the Update Checker was working properly, and accidentally made last version think it was 1.0. Whoops, sorry. Should recognize that this is 1.003 now.
I’m kinda shocked that I didn’t notice since the Update Checker was built in more than 2 hours. Anyways, down below is the Changes for 1.002.

Brand New Update Checker! Credit to @pfg, as I based the Algorithm for the new Update Checker off of his “Check For Updates” Shortcut. If you want to clear your data for this shortcut to change your settings, don’t worry, I’ll post a separate shortcut later that clears your data. If you find any bugs or want to suggest a change, tell me @octifine on Twitter.


1.002 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
Brand New Update Checker! Credit to @pfg, as I based the Algorithm for the new Update Checker off of his “Check For Updates” Shortcut. If you want to clear your data for this shortcut to change your settings, don’t worry, I’ll post a separate shortcut later that clears your data. If you find any bugs or want to suggest a change, tell me @octifine on Twitter.


1.001 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
Makes it so that you can see a preview of your corrupted photo, without the need of going into the Photos app.


1.0 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
First Version.