
Hand Warmer

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2.5 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Optimized for iOS 13. Bunch of bug fixes for iOS 13, which includes replacing your previous time setting with a 0 when you enter it, mess up the date settings thus preventing the shortcut to function, mess up files, and error ending the heating.
- Fixed a potential problem of allowing users to enter 0 or negative minutes for the heating time, as well as if leaving it blank.
- Fixed a bug where the initial heating time will not be shown at the very first startup of the shortcut.
- Optimized for UpdateKit 6.0. Now auto-quits the shortcut after installing the new version functions just as before.


2.3 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Changed the low battery threshold from 40% to 20%.
- Increased the processing time of changing and logging the heating time setting by 0.5 second.
- Removed the function of turning on WLAN and Bluetooth when heating for people’s convenient.
- Removed from widget.


2.0 1 year ago
iOS 12
This is a brand new release for the shortcut “Hand Warmer”. Since the beginning, the shortcut has been using the method of pushing notifications and calculating large numbers to try to heat up the CPU. But through out the months, facts have proven that this method is not very pleasant and has caused users to panic. So in this update, we completely re-engineered the heating process, and successfully made it absolutely quite yet still very effective. It’s achieved by repetitively coding and decoding a very short piece of video, which comes in with the shortcut itself, therefore you don’t have to download it. The timing of the heating also works surprisingly well, accurate to the second! Here we see the significant importance of making the video as short as a second.


1.4.8 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
• The timing method has been completely re-engineered. Originally, I estimated how many heating notifications would it take to reach 1 minute. Then I multiply that number by your heating time to get the total amount of notifications needed to reach the time set. This solution is absolutely not ideal. First of all, the notification speed would slow down significantly over time due to the heating of the CPU. Second, the notification pushing speed may vary depending on the performance of your device's CPU. Now it's actually reading the time. When you start heating, it would log the exact date accurate to seconds. During heating, it will compare the difference of the date and the current time every second. So whenever it reaches the set time, the heating would stop immediately.
• The frequency of notification pushing has been reduced significantly.


1.4.6 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
Fixed a bug where it tells you the wrong battery percentage when pushes the “Device Heated” notification. It was the percentage it read before heating, now it reads again when heating is done.


1.4.5 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
• Logging Exit Modes (UpdateKit).
• Now the screen brightness is logged into iCloud, which means that if you decide to quit the shortcut in the middle of heating, next time the Reset function will actually set the brightness to what it was before heating. (Originally it will just set it to a fixed medium brightness.)
• Minor bug fixes.


1.4.1 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
• The biggest update is now it has UpdateKit integrated! Users can get the latest updates whenever the developer push them. Thanks for the internet detection built in, it will skip UpdateKit if you are not connected.
• The shortcut has been completely redesigned, now it’s function based. Which means users won’t have to go through UpdateKit and startup notification every time they edit the heating time in setting.


1.3.7 1 year, 3 months ago
iOS 12
• Setting is added. It allows user to change the duration of heating.
• The customized duration is stored in iCloud Drive. So once you change it, it will be updated on all your devices.
• If you run this shortcut on multiple devices at the same time, it has a relatively small chance of corrupting. This shortcut makes sure that only one copy of the setting data is stored in the user's iCloud.