Google Translate

Quickly translate using the Google Translate API


Does what you think it does, takes text and translates it using Google Translate! The translated text will be presented and can then be saved to your clipboard :) The Shortcut can also be used directly from another Shortcut

Google Translate Example


  • Works seamlessly without showing the user a webpage
  • Translate any text into your favourite languages!
  • This Shortcut can be called from another Shortcut and will return the translated text seamlessly (examples below)

Calling from another Shortcut


  • This Shortcut uses UpdateKit (2.0) — A Shortcut for keeping shortcuts like these updated!
  • Credits to matheuss for his work, it helped me figure out how to get the Google Translate API working with this Shortcut

Latest Release Notes

2.3 - Oct. 25, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Fix for when running from another shortcut without the ‘Language’ parameter

Past versions