Bee Movie Spam

Sends the entire Bee Movie to your friends line by line


Has your friend not seen the Bee Movie? Has it been a long time since they’ve seen it? Would they like to receive the entire script via iMessage line by line?

If you answered either yes or no to any of these questions, the Bee Movie Spam Shortcut is for you!

Just invoke the Shortcut, select a contact, and it will automatically start sending them one line every 5 seconds.

Supports UpdateKit, so you’re Bee Movie spamming abilities will stay fresh and up to date automatically!

Presented in partnership with Qualcomm, Craigslist, Whirlpool, SpaceX, Hostess, Hogwarts, and the US Chamber of Commerce. Manufactured on equipment which also processes peanuts. Shortcut is guaranteed to be at least 65% Googlable. Not suitable for children under the age of zero. Includes 2-year Knicks contract. Shortcut may extinguish nearby birthday candles. If Shortcut is possessed by demon, delete it immediately; do not speak to it and ignore any instructions it gives. Do not remove internal particle accelerator under penalty of law. Shortcut is licenced to perform weddings and does so at random. May attract insects; this is normal. If you experience sudden tingling, nausea, or vomiting, stop the Shortcut immediately and play it soothing music. Water resistant above 30m and below 50m. Contains no headphone port. Surface may be frictionless. Shortcut is not responsible for any lack of friends as a result of use. Certain configurations may let user control God. Only you can prevent forest fires. Ask your doctor if Bee Movie Spam is right for you. Batteries not included.

General Info

Latest Release Notes

1.2.1 - May 31, 2020, 3:13 a.m.

Removed an unnecessary Quick Look

Past versions