Pride Frames

LGBT Pride Flag Frames; gay, lesbian, bi, trans, enby, queer, asexual, and more



Takes an image and a pride flag and makes a circular profile picture for you :)


  • Trans
  • LGBT (new with black and brown inclusion)
  • Lesbian (orange-ish less controversial version)
  • Bisexual
  • Agender
  • Aromantic
  • Asexual
  • Genderfluid
  • Genderqueer
  • Non-binary
  • Pansexual
  • Polysexual
  • Intersex
  • Hatsune Miku

Modes and Options

  • Full bleed
  • Transparent circle
  • Blurred lines
  • Solid color lines

Known Issues

In iOS 13 when the device is running low on resources it will give you a blank image. I am looking in to it, but it appears I may need to take a different approach.

Did I Goof?

Let me know! Adjustments and additions can easily be made :)

Latest Release Notes

7 - June 10, 2020, 4:56 a.m.

Adds flags for: poly sexual, intersex, and Hatsune Miku

Past versions