Pocket Money Pro

Manage your money like never before


Made for iOS 13

iOS 14 users

Pocket Money Pro Banner  
100% Malware Free

Part of the Pro Collection



Manage money was always very easy, however, you need an app for it, that sometimes need a paid subscription. It’s where Pocket Money Pro (or PMP) came in. Pocket Money Pro is, from what it name says, a Pro shortcut in managing your pocket balance and your Expenses/Incomes.

When running the shortcut for the first time, the Setup will appear, after you finish the configuration, Pocket Money Pro Home Screen will appear, there’s is where the magic begins.  
Pocket Money Pro Home Screen  



See your 4 last transactions, check your balance and copy it if you want. To experience Overview at its maximum, do some transactions or balance adjustments and check overview again.  

Add Transaction

Add Transaction

Register your transactions with Pocket Money Pro is done with 3 steps:  
1. Select the transaction type: Expense or Income.  
2. Type how much did you spend/received.  
3. Select the category or select others to type one.  
To check this transaction later, use Transaction History button.  
Add Transaction Light  
Add Transaction Dark  

Transaction History

Transaction History

With this option, you see more transactions than Overview (more than 4), do you want more information, just select any transaction/balance adjustment and an alert will appear with all the information available.  
Transaction History  

Adjust Balance

Adjust Balance

Forgot to record your last transactions, use this option to update your balance value anytime you want.  
Adjust Balance  

Switch Pocket

Switch Pocket

Multiple Pockets and want to change between them? With 2 taps you are on the pocket that you want, just click on Switch Pocket from the Home Screen and select the pocket that you want to switch to.  



Here you can Check for Updates, clean the transaction history, delete the configuration file or know more about Pocket Money Pro.  


Update Checking

Pocket Money Pro has an embeded updater called Swing Updater [E]. Thanks to it, Pocket Money Pro always stays up to date without requiring any external updater shortcut and without affecting the shortcut speed.  
Update Prompt  



  • @Harley Hicks - For creating RoutineHub.
  • @ROP - For some of the CSS and HTML in Overview.  
    Created by D3W10

Latest Release Notes

1.5.1 - May 15, 2020, 1:43 p.m.

• Fixed some mistakes in the shortcut.

Past versions