Daily Journal to DayOne

Daily journal to Day One with handsfree and manual prompts


Four sections include:

Morning Journal that asks how you slept, if you had any dreams you remember, what you want to get accomplished for the day and your current mood. Then posts to Day One (can easily be moved to Notes or other journal)

Update Locations, which lets you add a location as you visit them through out the day.

Update Mood, which lets you change your mood for the day as things happen.

Evening Journal that can be run handsfree or in manual mode that asks what you did for the day, did you accomplish what you defined in the morning, what you are grateful for and a diary entry for the day. Then posts to Day One including your current mood.

Shortcut has Streaks integration, but that can be removed if you do not use the Streaks App.

Latest Release Notes

2.3 - June 4, 2019, 8:18 a.m.

Added a “How do you feel” to morning journal.

Removed update places and moved it to an ask for input in the evening shortcut routine.

Removed shortcut update dependencies and included updates inline with shortcut.

Past versions