Omega Power Mode ™

The Best Power Saver For Your Battery!


Welcome to Omega Power Mode!

This shortcut is a battery saver, but not just any! Omega Power Mode has less than 90 actions, but yet manages to save a lot of battery! This shortcut requires QuickUpdate. I made this because I waited for Ultra Low Power Mode 1.9, but I kinda got fed up with waiting so I made this! (Edit: ULPM was abandoned by it’s original creator, so now I update it.) Credit to @ROP, as the download badge below was made in MediaKit.

Optimize Your Battery

This shortcut asks you how much you want to save power by letting you choose three different levels of power usage: Minimum Power Saving, Medium Power Saving, and Maximum Power Saving, to ensure you’ll have both lots of battery and get a nice user experience.

Support for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Apple Watch.

Omega Power Mode has stable support for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Apple Watch. This means you can optimize & save battery on all apple devices that support iOS 12 or higher, and optimize & save battery on all macs that support watchOS 7 or higher.

Support for iOS 12 & iOS 13

Omega Power Mode also has support for iOS 13, too! This means that no matter what firmware you’re on, you can extend your battery life with Omega Power Mode.


Tags: Battery Power Ultimate Power Mode Ultra Low Power Mode Better than Ultra Low Power Mode Battery Saver Power Saver Shortcuts zachary7829 QuickUpdate

This shortcut requires QuickUpdate

Latest Release Notes

5.2.1 - June 12, 2020, 2:42 a.m.

Introducing Omega Power Mode 5.2.1! This bug fixes a bad crashing bug that affected 4.0-! (Thanks to robric18 for reporting!) This update also removes WUKD, and for the first time ever has QuickUpdate: Integrated Edition in the shortcut, meaning you won’t have to download an external updater to use the shortcut, it will just work out of the box!

Past versions