
Just your reminders. But with more power.


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Take a look of features

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Both dark and light mode



  • Unfortunately some great features like "Trigger shortcut" and "Rich reminder" are broken and there aren't any possible fixes at the moment, because of iOS 13
  • All data you enter in Memento are stored in your iCloud account (path: Shortcuts/Memento)

iOS 12 users

For the ones on iOS 12, version 1.3 works (tested on iPhone 6 running iOS 12.4.4).
Version 1.3 is available here

Important note: the updater will request you to update the shortcut. You have to change version in the first dictionary you find into code from 1.3 to the latest released.

Maybe I’ll push an iOS 12 update in the future. If you want it, let me know writing a feedback here on RoutineHub or writing me a DM on Reddit.


  • ROP for the mockups






Latest Release Notes

1.7 - April 11, 2020, 10:48 p.m.

In this version I’ve fixed a bug that made Widget mode not working some times, and I’ve added support for Embed-a-Updater.
Last but not least, this version it’s getting Memento ready for the major update that it’s coming very soon...

Past versions