Sunrise Bedtime

Wake up at sunrise & get a 100% accurate bedtime.


Sunrise Bedtime will set an alarm at tomorrow's sunrise time.

It has the option to set a reminder and an alarm for the time you should go to bed (to get 8 hours of sleep, or however many hours you want to get) to wake up at tomorrow's sunrise.

This shortcut is for the early birds out there. Or those who want to try to become one. This shortcut has personally helped me by telling me what time I should be going to sleep, so that I could wake up at the crack of dawn. Never fails.

Must have UpdateKit by Mike Beasley installed for update check to work.

Latest Release Notes

2.3 - July 6, 2019, 7:24 a.m.

Held some bugs hostage, then slaughtered their families and stuff. No biggie.
Changed UpdateKit reading and added download support if UpdateKit not installed.
Added more prompts, sleep options and menus.
Really recommend updating to this version. Then giving me feedback and a like.❤️

Past versions