Meme Generator (text on image, and image on image)

Adds text on image as well as combining images. Does not require an internet connection


A simple meme generator/maker that allows you to put text on images and join images together. Currently, images that you want to use for the shortcut have to be saved to the Photos app to use the shortcut, as well as the output. Download my Toolbox Pro version to get a more appealing UI. (future versions of my shortcut will not need tool box pro)

The image on image feature is adjustable, allowing users to change which image comes first, as well as joining images horizontally or vertically.

The shortcut can adjust images to your liking up to 100 times before needed to be saved (but the limit can be adjusted to be longer. I just put the limit as 100 as i thought it may make the shortcut slower. Also cause i thought no one is going to have to use it more then 100 times in one go.)

Tested operating system: iPad OS and iOS 13.1

Time taken to create this shortcut: 7 hours

Latest Release Notes

1.0.4 - Oct. 4, 2019, 4:10 a.m.

Actually fixed updates not working

Past versions