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2.1.8 1 month, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Added a brand new welcome screen when running the shortcut for the first time thanks to ScreenKit made by @alombi!


2.1.7 2 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- This version of ALL THE GIFs! includes a rather small Easter Egg!

HINT: Play around with `----------------------------------` in the Settings menu.


2.1.6 2 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Bug fix for shortcut execution when a URL that ends with .png is copied to your device’s clipboard when your device is not connected to WiFi or Cellular data.


2.1.5 3 months ago
iOS 13

To sum it up in short:

- Fixed a bug in the GIF Detection framework for when you’re not connected to WiFi or Cellular Data.

In a long explanation of how this bug has been squashed:

1) If a WiFi connection or Cellular Data connection **IS NOT** found, but a URL that ends with `.gif` based on file detection **IS** copied to your device’s clipboard:

• Couldn’t retrieve GIF from URL.

2) If a WiFi connection or Cellular Data connection **IS NOT** found, but a URL that ends with `.gif` based on file detection **IS NOT** copied to your device’s clipboard:

• Couldn’t be determined whether or not a URL that ends with `.gif` based on file extension or if a GIF is copied to your device’s clipboard.

3) If a WiFi connection or Cellular Data connection **IS** found, but a URL that ends with `.gif` based on file detection **IS** copied to your device’s clipboard:

• Yes, there’s definitely a URL that ends with `.gif` based on file extension or a GIF copied to your device’s clipboard.

4) If a WiFi connection or Cellular Data connection **Is** found, but a URL that ends with `.gif` based on file detection **IS NOT** copied to your device’s clipboard:

• No, there’s not a URL that ends with `.gif` based of file extension or a GIF copied to your device’s clipboard.


2.1.4 3 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Added `IFTTT Webhook Trigger Sheet` in the Settings menu! Users can now view April’s log of when ATG has been ran for those users who has chosen to Opt-In to triggering the IFTTT Webhook.

- Quick look bug fix.


2.1.3 3 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- If for some reason your `EZGIF_dic.json` file becomes empty but the keys still remain with the values left empty, `Continue with last edited GIF` will no longer show up for selection in this case. This patches a bug before it can happen.

- Redesign of menu shown after applying an orientation change via `Change Orientation of GIF`.

* Keep Orientation & Apply More
* Reset Applied Orientation
* Continue with Orientation Applied


2.1.1 3 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Reduction of 5 unnecessary actions.


2.1.0 3 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Your GIFs are now unoptimized upon upload for `Color Effects, Presets & Filters`! This helps to fix broken/flickery GIF outputs after applying filters.

These two notifications for `Color Effects, Presets & Filters` have been removed and built into the menu prompt it brings up:

- Your last edited GIF has been deleted from EZGIF's servers!

- ALL THE GIFS!/EZGIF_dic.json file was not found in your iCloud Drive!


2.0.8 3 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Added `Continue with GIF in Clipboard` as an option for the GIF Detection menu for `Color Effects, Presets & Filters`.


2.0.7 3 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Redesign of menu shown after applying a filter using “Color Effects, Presets & Filters”.

1. Apply More filters
- This allows you to apply more filters to your GIF. This requires an upload of the currently applied filter’s GIF to EZGIF’s servers.

2. Reset Applied Filter
- Doesn’t keep the filter you’ve applied and returns to the previous menu to apply a different filter.

3. Continue with GIF
- Continue to Adjust GIF function.


2.0.6 4 months ago
iOS 13
- Squashed a bug that was introduced in v2.0.5 & reduction of actions.


2.0.5 4 months ago
iOS 13
NOTE: Files you upload are stored on EZGIF’s servers up to 1 hour after they are last used with their tools. They are automatically and securely deleted afterwards. Once they are gone, it's not possible to recover them.

- Users now have the option to continue with the latest edited GIF for `Color Effects, Presets & Filters`!

- This being said, `Continue with last edited GIF` option isn’t available for selection if the `EZGIF_dic.json` file saved to the iCloud Drive is missing.

- `Continue with last edited GIF` option will also be hidden for selection if it’s been over an hour since you’ve last edited the most recent GIF that you’ve uploaded to EZGIF’s servers via ATG.


2.0.4 4 months ago
iOS 13
- A menu has replaced the alert for `Color Effects, Presets & Filters` before uploading a GIF for editing. This allows you to return to the previous menu you were on instead of canceling the entire run of the shortcut if you choose not to upload your chosen GIF.


2.0.3 4 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- I’ve managed to make it so that the GIF you’ve chosen for `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters` isn’t re-uploaded to EZGIF’s servers when pressing back buttons out of the 4 given menu options. Also, if a number for intensities to be set is too high or too low for things such as `Hue, Saturation, & Lightness`, `Brightness & Contrast`, and `Tint`, the shortcut won’t re-upload the chosen GIF either!

I’m essentially saving the server token, GIF name uploaded to the server initially, and server/URL as a .json file. It’s then retrieved in the `EZGIF function` when needed. This saves me from having to re-upload the GIF chosen every time a back button is pressed or if an intensity value is set too high or too low.

This will also drastically increase the speed of that menu! Because it skips re-uploading the GIF to EZGIF’s servers more than once of course!


2.0.2 4 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- For `Color Effects, Presets & Filters` specifically, a GIF can not be larger than 35mb for upload to EZGIF’s servers for editing the GIF. So I’ve added a check or two to see if the GIF is greater than 35mb if one is copied to your device’s clipboard. If it is, you won’t be shown the GIF detection menu and you’re prompted with the normal menu to choose a new GIF instead for upload. This prevents a `Network connection has been lost` error if you have tried to upload a GIF larger than 35MB to EZGIF’s servers.

- You can now see the file size of a GIF copied to your clipboard in the GIF Detection menu of `Color Effects, Presets & Filters`.


2.0.1 4 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Enabled `Overwrite if file exists` for `UUID.txt` and `IFTTT.txt` files that are saved to the iCloud Drive.

This update possibly fixes a multiple entries issue in the Google Sheet I use to keep track of when the shortcut is being ran.

User note: Please remove any duplicate files in the file path: `Shortcuts/ALL THE GIFs!/` from your iCloud Drive!

- Updated Discord discriminator tag number for contacting me.


2.0 4 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Settings menu has been re-designed!

- `Opt-In/Out of IFTTT Webhook Trigger` has been renamed to `IFTTT Webhook Trigger`.

- `Enable/Disable GIF Detection` has been renamed to `GIF Detection`.

- `IFTTT Webhook Trigger` & `GIF Detection` menus have been eliminated and you can now toggle between opting-out/out of IFTTT Webhook triggers and enabling/disabling GIF Detection from the Settings menu.

- Added a toggle-like iOS switcher for `IFTTT Webhook Trigger` and `GIF Detection`.

- Added a separator in the `Settings` menu to separate toggles from other settings.

- The number range for randomly generating a SHA-512 hash has been reduced from 1-1,000,000 down to 1-100,000.

- Reduction of 2 actions from `View Change-log & Release Notes`.

- You can now choose a theme to set for the main menu of the shortcut upon first run / set-up! The theme applied can also be changed from the Settings menu via the new `Change Theme` option. Users now have the choice to choose between `Animated Emojis`,`Still Emojis` & `No Icons` for the main menu theme.

- vCard icons for `Themes`, `Notifications`, & `Toggles` are stored in the `icons` dictionary entry.

- Removed `{"UnclampedDelayTime":"UnclampedDelayTime.json"}` from the `file locations dictionary` entry as this .json file is no longer used/depreciated.

- Total # of actions: 1,411


1.9.9 4 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- vCard icon’s Base-64 Encoded text for the main menu are now stored as a nested dictionary in the dictionary towards the top of the shortcut that also contains other shortcut preferences and information.

- Get Dictionary from Shortcut input is no longer needed at the very top of the shortcut as I now use `Set variable [Input] to {Shortcut Input} as dictionary with the value function` instead.

- Removed unnecessary variables such as `icons`, `author`, & `file_locations` to make use of referencing values deep inside of dictionaries by utilizing dot notation.

- Reduction of 5 actions compared to v1.9.8


1.9.8 5 months ago
iOS 13
- On first set-up, the shortcut will now generate a SHA-512 hash from a random number 1-1,000,000 if you have chosen to Opt-In to IFTTT Webhook Triggers — and save the SHA-512 hash generated to a new file called `UUID.txt` in the iCloud Drive. A SHA-512 Hash will not be generated if you have Opted-Out. It will only then be generated if you choose to Opt-In from the set-up screen or from the settings menu.

- This will be used so that I can uniquely identify when new and old users and devices have ran this shortcut without personally identifying anyone.


1.9.7 5 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Because v1.9.5-1.9.6 of ALL THE GIFs! violated rule #6 on RoutineHub (Do not gather data from a user's device without permission - User data is owned by the user. Do not gather data and send it to yourself in any way without the user's permission.), this update is being released to fix that.

- Google Sheets is now used for the IFTTT Webhook trigger to ensure that my device is not spammed by notifications. Don’t even try to notification flood me (the Notifications Webhook has been disabled).

- You will now be prompted to either opt-in or opt-out of being able to trigger the IFTTT Webhook. You now have a choice upon the first run. Otherwise, if you’ve already passed the set-up part of the shortcut, you can still choose to opt-out in the shortcut settings menu.

- Detection1 Magic Variable fix.

- Thanks to @ROP for bringing this to my attention.

P.S - To all the IFTTT Webhook URL spammers: Seriously. Why must people be this low? Just because it’s there doesn’t mean it has to be exploited. I explicitly ruled out possibilities in the shortcut so that the IFTTT Webhook is only triggered each time the shortcut is ran. The IFTTT Webhook can not be triggered unless you are opted-in to trigger the webhook. It won’t be triggered when not connected to a Wi-Fi network or Cellular/Mobile Data. And people still… automate or manually bomb/flood the URL to spam my notifications purposefully. It’s not cool.


1.9.6 5 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Users can now Opt-In / Opt-Out from an IFTTT Webhook from being triggered every time the shortcut is ran. You can find this option in the Settings menu of the shortcut.

- Added success attachments for Opt-In / Opt-Out & GIF Detection Enabled / Disabled notifications.

- Removed date and time from the main menu. You can now see if you are Opted-In or Opted-Out of triggering the IFTTT Webhook where the date and time used to be!


1.9.5 5 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- An IFTTT Webhook function has been added into the shortcut! This is only triggered each time the shortcut is ran (Excluding the shortcut being re-called by back buttons)!

- This webhook when triggered, only sends your Device Model and iOS Version to me in a notification stating something along the lines of: “Your shortcut, ALL THE GIFs! on v1.9.5 has been trigged on an iPhone/iPad on iOS 13.3”.

- The IFTTT Webhook can only be triggered over Wi-Fi or Mobile/Cellular Data. If you aren’t connected to any of these, the IFTTT Webhook trigger will be skipped over and you will be shown an alert stating: “The IFTTT Webhook could not be triggered at this time.”

- In the next update, I will try my best to include an opt-out option in the Settings menu for the IFTTT Webhook to not be triggered.


1.9.4 5 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Improved how Random GIF retrieves a random GIF.

- Reduction of 6 actions.


1.9.3 5 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Removed an accidentally placed Scriptable action from the very bottom of the shortcut.

- `GIF Detection` has once again been improved and comes with a reduction of 20 actions used!

- `GIF_Detection.json` is no longer used and has been replaced by `GIF_Detection.txt`.



1.9.2 5 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Added `View GIF in clipboard` option for menus with `GIF Detection` capabilities. This applies for `Change Orientation of GIF`, `Color Effects, Presets & Filters` and `Share a GIF`.


1.9.1 5 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Reduction of 31 actions by cleaning up previous update’s code!

- Total # of actions used: 1,328


1.9.0 5 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- It is now possible to Enable/Disable `GIF Detection` from the `Settings` menu!

- This update required most of the code for `GIF Detection` to be rebuilt as an entire framework.

- `GIF Detection: Yes/No` is now shown on the main menu.

- This update took me around 3-4 hours of constant non-stop work to accomplish and took many bug squashes as I progressed through it.

- This update has brought an increase of 91 actions used in the shortcut (The amount of actions used in this update are likely to be decreased in future updates).

- Total # of actions used in this version: 1,359

- There are 4 different case scenarios on how menus will be output for those featuring `GIF Detection`:

1. Detection: Enabled
GIF in Clipboard: Yes

2. Detection: Enabled
GIF in Clipboard: No

3. Detection: Disabled
GIF in Clipboard: Yes

4. Detection: Disabled
GIF in Clipboard: No


1.8.9 5 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
`UnclampedDelayTime.json` is no longer stored in the iCloud Drive as this value is now stored in the `Speed.json` file.

- Users can manually remove the `UnclampedDelayTime.json` file in the `ALL THE GIFs!` folder located in the `Shortcuts` folder of the `Files` application.

- Fixed a bug with `Select a new GIF` then pressing the `⏎ Back` button would return to the main menu instead of the GIF Detection menu for `Share a GIF` if a GIF was detected in your clipboard.


1.8.7 6 months ago
iOS 13
- Bug fixes for `Trim` & `Adjust Speed`.


1.8.6 6 months ago
iOS 13
- The shortcut’s .plist file has been cleaned thanks to MergeCuts!

- Discord discriminator tag has been changed for users to contact me!

- I plan to continue working on this shortcut in the future. Stay tuned. I was never finished with this. ;)


1.8.5 6 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- `Send Feedback` has totally been removed from the `Settings` menu. And for good this time. Users can submit feedback if needed on the RoutineHub page. Reduction of 39 actions.


1.8.4 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Reduction of 2 `Get File` actions.

- Renamed `src_width` & `src_height` variables to `PixelWidth` & `PixelHeight`.

- Renamed `resized_width` & `resized_height` variables to `ResizedPixelWidth` & `ResizedPixelHeight`.

- Completely rewritten some resize GIF code. Not sure if it was really worth the amount of work taken though.

- Total # of actions: 1,296

- Happy New Years! Thanks for using ALL THE GIFs!


1.8.3 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Bug fix with saving GIFs to your photo gallery!


1.8.2 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Improved all alert titles and choose from list titles.

- Added a confirmation menu in the `Adjust GIF` function for both `Change Orientation of GIF` and `Color Effects, Presets & Filters`.


1.8.1 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- The random GIF option will now show the random GIF selected in a Quick Look view.

- You now have the decision to find a new random GIF or continue with the one given for editing as a menu prompt.


1.8.0 7 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Reduction of 15 actions by improving how the shortcut input detection method works to check if a GIF is copied to your device’s clipboard or not.

- Merry Christmas Eve everyone!


1.7.9 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- The width & height of a GIF is no longer rounded down to the ones place. In fact, it is no longer rounded at all so that users may now know the exact width & height of their GIF along while adjusting it.

- The shortcut now retrieves both a GIF’s Pixel Height & Width density by using the Metadata of the GIF instead of getting it by using `Get Details of Width/Height`.

- Added check for `Tint` in `Color Effects, Presets & Filters` to see if a color was selected or not.

- Added a check for `Hue, Saturation, & Lightness` to see if the provided intensity is set to 100.

- Added a check for `Brightness & Contrast` to see if the provided intensity is set to 0.


1.7.8 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Reduction of 14 actions from `Send Feedback`.


1.7.7 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Back buttons in these menu options now return to the previous menu instead of recalling the function itself:

* Flip GIF
* Rotate GIF
* Hue, Saturation, & Lightness
* Brightness & Contrast
* Color Presets
* Filters

- Small bug fix and other nice changes.


1.7.6 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
`New GIF from Frames of GIF` now checks to see if the frames selected from a GIF to create a new GIF are equal to or less than 1 (Nobody wants a one frame GIF).


1.7.5 8 months ago
iOS 13
- Back buttons in the `Resize` by height/width menus now return back to the previous page instead of back to the `Adjust GIF` function.


1.7.4 8 months ago
iOS 13
- Back buttons in the `Save Options` & `Share Options` menus now return back to the previous page instead of back to the `Adjust GIF` function.

- `Re-edit` has been renamed to `⏎ Back`.


1.7.3 8 months ago
iOS 13
- Reduction of 6 `URL` actions by utilizing the `Get Contents of URL` action.

- Fixed a few Back buttons not working as expected.

- Added WiFi check for `Random GIF` function.


1.7.2 8 months ago
iOS 13
- Added a `⏎ Back` button in the menu options for `Change Orientation of GIF` & `Color Effects, Presets & Filters` as well as improved how they flow in terms of shortcut input detection.

- Removed `Back-&-Forth` from the function dictionary as it’s a totally useless value.

- Visibly improved the function dictionary code so that it all doesn’t look clumped together. It is now in a cleaner .json format than before.

- Major bug fix for re-calling functions.

- If statements that call functions now use the variable `Input` for its… input.


1.7.1 8 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Shortcut Input Detection now checks to see if a GIF is copied to your clipboard or not based on `File —> File Extension` instead of `Image —> File Extension` to fix 2 bugs:

1. `If failed because Shortcuts couldn’t convert from Media to Photo media or Image` upon running the shortcut if a Video is copied to your clipboard.

2. This error would occur when using the `Export GIF as Video` option as well.

Both issues have been fixed by this subtle change.

- Applied a creation date sort filter for `Live Photo to GIF` & `New GIF from Frames of GIF`.

- Almost all `Find Photos Where…` filters have been adjusted to sort by creation date (latest first). Before this change, some of these filters were sorting by “Time Taken” or “Last Modified Date”. This change was taken to streamline the sorting filtration.


1.6.9 8 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- No longer will a fixed height be set of 200px for `Random GIF`. The original file size and dimensions will now be used for this.


1.6.8 8 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Introducing the `Random GIF` option! This is now available for `Change Orientation of GIF`, `Color Effects, Presets & Filters` and `Share a GIF`!

- With this new option, you can retrieve a random GIF from Giphy to edit in ALL THE GIFs!


1.6.7 8 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Shortcut Input detection to check if a GIF is copied to your clipboard (based on File Extension) no longer utilizes or interferes with the `Shortcut Input` variable, **Input**. It now uses the `Detection` variable.

- `px` function is near the top of the shortcut now because `Change Orientation of GIF` utilizes two variables needed that it can only retrieve from this function.

- Now shows if a GIF is copied to your clipboard or not in the main menu title.

- Other code improvements.

- Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


1.6.6 8 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- File locations for .json files saved to the iCloud Drive are now stored in the `Shortcut_details` dictionary.

- `Width.json` & `Height.json` are no longer saved to the iCloud Drive and has been replaced with `px.json`.

- Major code improvements for saving & retrieving the height & width of a GIF.


1.6.5 8 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Bug fix for incorrect GIF size by width/pixel density for `Change Orientation of GIF`. The size of a GIF saved as a .json file was being retrieved from the last edited GIF instead of the newest GIF selected.

- You can now resize your GIF by Height in the `Resize` menu function!

- `Size.json` has been renamed to `Width.json`. Please delete Size.json from the ALL THE GIFs! folder in your iCloud Drive.

- Renamed variables in the `Adjust GIF` function so that this update was easier for me to accomplish.


1.6.4 8 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Very minor improvements.


1.6.3 8 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Alert improvements.

- Applied fixed speed of 0.2 seconds per photo for `New GIF from Frames of GIF`.

- Fix for GIF sizes always being 2400px unless manually resized.


1.6.2 8 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Added `New GIF from Frames of GIF` to the `Other Options & More` menu! Select a GIF to extract the frames from. Select the frames you want to use and it’ll be made into a new GIF!

- Improved how `GIF Grid & Wall Options` is called as a function.


1.6.0 8 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Fixed `Resize` not updating its values in the menu option when changing the size of a GIF.

- Added Shortcut Input detection for `Share a GIF` (The same as for `Change Orientation or GIF` & `Color Effects, Presets & Filters`).

- Removed the comma after `Presets` and before the `&` in `Color Effects, Presets & Filters`.

- `Save GIF from URL` & `Shoot a GIF` has been moved from `Other Options & More` and moved to be options for `Share a GIF`. (`Save GIF from URL` has been renamed to `Retrieve GIF from URL`).

- Added a provided input check for `Shoot a GIF`.


1.5.8 8 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- `Share a GIF from Gallery` and `Search Giphy & Share` has been combined into one function called `Share a GIF`. You will be able to choose from `Photo Gallery` and/or `Search Giphy` for this new function.


1.5.7 8 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Introducing Shortcut Input detection for `Change Orientation of GIF` & `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters`!

- ALL THE GIFs! will automatically detect if a GIF (based on file extension) is copied to your clipboard or not.

- You will now have the option to `Continue with GIF in clipboard` or `Select a new GIF` for `Change Orientation of GIF` and `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters` if a GIF is copied to your clipboard already. Otherwise, you can search from `Photo Gallery` or `Search Giphy` for a GIF instead.

- You can now preview your GIF after applying an orientation change from `Change Orientation of GIF`. You can then choose to continue or reset the orientation and start again (Just like `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters`).

- Reduction of 18 dictionary actions before run shortcut actions!

- `Flip both Horizontally & then Vertically` has been renamed to `Flip Horizontal & Vertical` for `Flip GIF`.

- Note: This was one of the hardest updates I’ve ever worked on in a while. I almost gave up on doing this.


1.5.6 8 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Bug fix for `Text to GIF` not clearing out text when starting a new word and there being space in between text.


1.5.5 8 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Bug fix for `Adjust Speed` —> `Reset Speed` for GIFs that has had their photos per second speed defaulted to 0.2.

- Removed the need for the `UnclampedDelayTime` function that is only used by `Change Orientation of GIF`. It is now built into `Change Orientation of GIF` itself.

- Reduction of actions, small code reorganization, and improvements.

- If statements for functions now correctly utilize the dictionary value for `function` in input instead of `If {If Result} is …`.


1.5.4 8 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Added a File Size check for the `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters` menu option in the `Adjust GIF` function.


1.5.3 9 months ago
iOS 13
- The folder `ALL THE GIFs/GIF Gallery/` is no longer created in the iCloud Drive. (You can delete the `DoNotDelete.txt` file stored in this folder).

- Removed `Save to GIF Gallery` from the Save options menu.

- `Change Orientation of GIF` has been completely rewritten again! This comes with a reduction of 105 actions less compared to v1.5.2!

- Back buttons have been added to `Flip GIF` & `Rotate GIF`.

- Added an option to reset the orientation of a GIF after applying one. Otherwise, you can continue. (Just like `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters`)!


1.5.2 9 months ago
iOS 13
- Created a new function to create a dictionary and save it to the iCloud Drive as a .json file for all options where the speed for a GIF created is defaulted to 0.2 seconds per photo.

- Created a new function for saving the speed of a selected GIF for `Change Orientation of GIF` to the iCloud Drive as a .json file.

- Fixed `Adjust Speed` for both GIFs and Videos.

- `Change Orientation of GIF` & `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters` are now available as an option in the `Adjust GIF` function! This will not work for GIFs exported as a Video or for `GIF from Video (Video to GIF)`.

- You can now pick between `Photo Gallery` & `Search Giphy` to select a GIF for both `Change Orientation of GIF` & `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters`!

- I have decided to yet again, remove **GIF Gallery** from the shortcut. It’s pretty useless at this point, as it only acted as a way to store and retrieve GIFs from the iCloud Drive. Yes, there was pre-made GIFs, but they were the same old pre-made emoji GIFs. “GIF Gallery” (as a function) integration will still be in place for `Change Orientation of GIF` & `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters`; which means you can still go back to these two functions via the `Adjust Speed` function just fine. Removing GIF Gallery from ALL THE GIFs! has reduced the amount of actions used by a whopping total of 86!

- Please delete the `GIF Gallery` folder stored in the `ALL THE GIFs!` folder from your iCloud Drive to free up space.


1.5.1 9 months ago
iOS 13
- `GIFs to GIF (Combine GIFs)` has been fixed. It’s output GIF speed has been defaulted to 0.2 seconds per photo as well.


1.5.0 9 months ago
iOS 13
To fix an issue with GIFs being too fast, these functions will have their GIF speed output defaulted to 0.2 seconds per photo:

* Photos to GIF
* Panoramas to GIF
* App Store Icons to GIF
* Artist Album Covers to GIF
* Shortcut Icons to GIF
* Emojis to GIF
* Text to GIF
* Side-by-Side GIF Combiner
* GIF Grid from Photos
* GIF Grid from GIFs
* GIF Wall from GIF

- `GIFs to GIF (Combine GIFs)` is broken until further notice.


1.4.9 9 months ago
iOS 13
- Fixed `GIF Gallery` integration for `Change Orientation of GIF` by adding back necessary `Get Clipboard` actions. (+5 actions)

- Fixed Quick look throwing a “couldn’t convert Media to Text” error for `Video from GIF (GIF to Video)` & `Export GIF as Video`.

- Added a new `success` emoji for notifications. (+6 actions)

- Masking app stores icons to the shape of an icon works again for `App Store Icons to GIF` in iOS 13.3 DB1.

- `Emoji to GIF` & `Text to GIF` now work again in iOS 13.3 DB1. (Emoji to GIF still flips the output upside-down though)!

- Removed emojis from `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters`, `GIF Gallery` & `Settings` menu options for a cleaner look throughout the shortcut.

- GIF speed (seconds per photo) is no longer defaulted to 0.2 for all options in `Change Orientation of GIF`. Experience the original speed of your GIFs like never before! Edit: This causes a speed issue for any options that doesn’t directly output a GIF. I’ll be looking into this.


1.4.8 9 months ago
iOS 13
- ALL THE GIFs! is now the first ever shortcut to retrieve the `UnclampedDelayTime` value from a GIF’s metadata to use as the GIF speed!

- These functions will have their `UnclamedDelayTime` value defaulted to 0.2 seconds per photo:

* Video to GIF
* Live Photo’s to GIF
* Burst to GIF

- Saving & Retrieving the Size & Speed has been 99% perfected in a way that they are all simultaneously carried over to Trim, Resize, & Adjust speed.

- Added an option to reset the speed of the GIF to the original speed! (See `Adjust Speed`).

- Fixes and improvements from v1.4.6


1.4.6 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- To reduce the amount of actions used that `GIF Gallery` takes up (and to also fix a bug I might have introduced myself..), I have removed the option to not install the pre-made GIFs. The pre-made GIFs will only be installed on the first run of GIF Gallery or upon running `GIF Gallery` again after running `GIF Gallery Clean-up`.

- Removed the `Preference.txt` file saved to the `GIF Gallery` folder in the iCloud Drive. Please remove this .txt file from the GIF Gallery folder stored in your iCloud Drive.


1.4.5 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Quality of life update:

- Changed input type for `Run Shortcut` actions from Text to Dictionary that utilize the `FuncDic` variable.

- The release date is now shown for the latest version of the shortcut in `View Change-log & Release Notes`.

- Renamed the `DoNotDelete.json` file that is stored and saved into the iCloud Drive, to `Size.json`. Please remove the old file in the `ALL THE GIFs!` folder of the Files application.


1.4.4 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Minor improvement for `Tint` in `Color Presets`. (Added a Hex value provided input check).

- The upload to EZGIF alert will not be shown for `Color Effects, Presets, & Effects` anymore when backing out of any of the menus and/or providing an intensity too high or too low for options with this feature available. Though, the GIF will still be re-uploaded.

- Spelling error fix for the filter `Gotham`.

- Added an option to reset the filter applied to your selected GIF for `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters` after viewing it! Otherwise, you can continue onwards to `Adjust GIF` function if you’d like.


1.4.3 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Added GIF Gallery integration dictionaries to “Provided Input too high / too low” checks for `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters`. This basically acts the same way as the back buttons do in each sub-menu of `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters` so that you do not have to re-select the GIF you chose again.


1.4.1 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- A .json file will now be saved to the iCloud Drive upon adjusting the speed of a GIF.

- Resizing a GIF after adjusting the speed will now keep the speed selected instead of returning back to 0.2 seconds!


1.4.0 9 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Added a provided input check for `Send Feedback` (+4 actions)

- Very minor, but necessary improvement for `Settings` menu (-4 actions)


1.3.9 9 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Removed “Plug-in”:”GIF Gallery” dictionary key & value as it isn’t needed.

- Totally fixed the Back buttons for menu options located in the `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters` menu! This also works 100% perfectly for GIF Gallery Integration! This comes with 0 bugs (usually a change like this would result in a bug or so)… This change means that you no longer have to re-select a GIF when leaving a sub-menu of `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters`!

- Added a `Get Images from Contents of URL` action for `Save GIF from URL`.

- Added an “Intensity too high / Intensity too low” check for options in `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters` that utilize an intensity option.


1.3.7 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Removed the menu option to quick view your chosen GIF for GIF Gallery. It’s unnecessary in my opinion.

- Fixed `Brightness & Contrast` being linked to the wrong `Choose from Menu`.

- Connected two alerts for `GIF Gallery` to the menu title for a cleaner look.


1.3.6 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Repushed update for v1.3.6

- Added back some necessary `Run Shortcut` actions to fix integration of GIF Gallery for `Change Orientation of GIF` & `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters.`


1.3.4 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Removed 17 unnecessary `Run Shortcut` actions.

- `Extract & Save Frames from GIF/Video` now shows a count for the frames extracted when choosing which frames (photos) to save.

- Fixed `If` statements for `Share a GIF from Gallery` and `Search Giphy & Share`.


1.3.3 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Get Latest Live Photos has been raised from 75 to 100 for `Live Photos to GIF`

- `Artist Album Covers to GIF` now allows you to choose the region for what to search for in the iTunes Store.

- `If Result` magic variable fixes for alerts.

- Reduced the amount of actions used by 7.


1.3.2 9 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Removed the iOS 12 version check as it isn’t necessary. The shortcut will fail to import on iOS 12 due to the format being too new.


1.3.1 10 months ago
iOS 13
- Removed the `More Options…` sub-menu from the `Other Options & More` menu.

- Moved `Extract & Save Frames from GIF/Video` & `Save GIF from URL` to the main menu of `Other Options & More`.

- Moved `Side-by-Side GIF Combiner` to the `GIF Grid & Wall Options` menu.

- Connected IF statements to their proper `End IF` blocks.

- Removed the shortcut name from `Choose from List (Photos)` actions.

- This update comes with a reduction of 8 actions compared to v1.3.0


1.3.0 10 months ago
iOS 13
- Added an option to `Export GIF as Video` in the `Save & Share Options` menu! After this conversion, you can then choose to trim or change the speed of your Video, etc.

- Reduced the amount of actions used by 9 via removing unnecessary `Otherwise` blocks from If statements.


1.2.8 10 months ago
iOS 13
- GIF Gallery implementation has been fixed for `Color Effects, Presets, & Filters`.

- Bug fix for `Photos to GIF` where nothing was working properly unless you chose to markup the images first.


1.2.6 10 months ago
iOS 13
- `Reverse GIF` has been totally rewritten in this update and now uses 16 less actions than before!

- `Back-&-Forth` is back for `Change Orientation of GIF`! And now smaller than ever!

- `Forward-&-Back` has also received a total rewrite!

- Credits mainly go to @Entee for both of the changes listed above.

- Added `Back-&-Forth` integration for GIF Gallery.


1.2.4 10 months ago
iOS 13
- All `Copy to Clipboard` actions are now placed before `Quick Look` actions where applicable. This is so users can paste the GIF from their clipboard anywhere they choose to without having to view the changes first.

- `Reverse GIF` & `Forward-&-Back` now utilizes the `NewFunc` function. This has reduced the amount of actions used by 6.

- Improved the flow of copying an Item to clipboard, setting the name of the action before the copy to clipboard, & showing the renamed item in a `Quick Look` action. This is now standardized throughout the whole shortcut. Quick Looks have been improved as well!


1.2.3 10 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Fixed the most annoying bug I’ve tried to squash in a whille… and totally by accident in a way. Resize, & Adjust Speed now works perfectly fine again for `Video from GIF (GIF to Video)`.

- Fixed a bug where `Adjust Speed` would fail for `Save GIF from URL`.


1.2.2 10 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Removed the alert stating: “This will ONLY find Videos and Screen Recordings! Time-lapses and Slo-mo videos are not supported for this conversion.” for `Video to GIF`. Most people that use ALL THE GIFs! should know this by now.

- Changed more bold text to plain text for `GIF Gallery` options.

- Fixed the Back button in the menu for adding GIFs to the GIF Gallery. It will now return to the main menu of GIF Gallery as intended.

- Fixed the No button in the menu for `GIF Gallery Clean-up`. It will now return to the main menu of GIF Gallery as intended.


1.2.1 10 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Fixed a bug for marking up images for `Photos to GIF`. (Thanks @Entee)

- Renamed `GIF Wall from GIFs` to `GIF Wall from GIF`. Only one GIF is used for this option, so this change makes perfect sense!

- Fixed `GIF Wall from GIF` from returning to the main menu after selecting a GIF! (Run shortcut input name error)


1.2.0 10 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Bug fix. I urge everyone on lower versions to update to this version! Sorry for another inconvenience on my part. :(


1.1.9 10 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- ALL THE GIFs! now uses both integration types available for Swing Updater. This is to prevent Swing Updater from saying that there is an update available for ALL THE GIFs! even if you have the latest version installed!

- Added a System/iOS version check. If your current iOS version does not contain 13, you will be shown an alert and re-directed to install the iOS 12 version of ALL THE GIFs!

- Changed the Wi-Fi check function from using an alert to a notification.

- Added a check to see if Swing Updater is installed.

- Totally removed the need for passing Video as Video in a dictionary to determine that the outcome of `Video from GIF (GIF to Video)` is actually a Video instead of a GIF! Also, a major bug has been fixed relating to this!

- Added back the `Exit Shortcut` action for the `WiFi Check` function as it is 100% needed for functions that utilize this! Sorry for the inconvenience!

- Really just pushing out this update within about an hour worth of work so I can check some things off my to-do list.


1.1.8 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Re-fixed “Resize” in the “Adjust GIF” function again… and did it even better this time (4 actions less than before)!

- Removed an action that could not be in the iOS 13 version of shortcuts in “View Change-log & Release Notes”. I have no clue how this action popped up.

- Small error fix with “Photos to GIF”.

- Fixed an issue with GIF Gallery implementation for “Forward-&-Back” where the GIF Reversed would be faster than expected.

- Functions are now in a text action to be less of an eyesore in edit view.


1.1.7 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Most credits go to @Entee for providing me with example screenshots and some videos of what I can do to reduce the amount of actions used in ALL THE GIFs!

- Provided credits to @Entee in the text action used for “About this Shortcut & Credits”.

- Removed the need for Main Menu IF Statements.

- Functions are now directly in just one dictionary action! When a function is needed to be called, the shortcut now uses the dictionary magic variable with the value needed as a “Run Shortcut” Input! This major change has reduced the amount of actions used in the shortcut by **EXACTLY** 100!

- Converted **ALL BOLD** text over to use plain text! This felt necessary to do as some functions called were in bold text as others were in plain text. This change also allows to remove the IF statements for the main menu!


1.1.6 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Eliminated the need for the “found” variable. This has reduced the amount of actions used by 4.

- Fixed “Resize” option in the “Adjust GIF” function. Credits to @pfg for adding a “Get Variable” action in ATG for me to duplicate 3 times so that I could fix this function.


1.1.5 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Removed the “Message” Boolean in the dictionary needed for Swing to Check for Updates. This way, I could set my own alert shown if there were no updates found.

- Fixed missing inputs for “Run Shortcut” actions. This doesn’t necessarily fix any bugs, but is more so a quality of life update.

- Adjusted credits.


1.1.4 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- 4 more unused actions removed.

- Added “GIF Grid & Wall Options” to the title/prompt of its list.

- Removed 0 as the default number for all “Ask for Input” actions.

- Fixed “Emojis to GIF” returning to the “More Options…” sub-menu of “Convert to GIF Options” when pressing “OK” on the “Ask for Input” without entering any emojis. It will now show an alert as expected and bring up the “Ask for Input” again so you can enter some emojis to convert into a GIF.

- Did the same for “App Store Icons to GIF” as stated above, but instead fixed this from going back to the main menu!

- Fixed “No URL Specified. Make sure to pass contents to the Get Contents of URL action.” error for “App Store Icons to GIF” shown after pressing done if no App Store apps were actually typed out.


1.1.3 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Reduced the amount of actions used in the shortcut by 34 actions! This was achieved by removing “Count Items in Photos” after every “Find All Photos where” action. The “If Count is 0” has been replaced with “If Photos does not have any value”. For “Choose from Photos” actions, the count action has been removed afterwards as well and the If action has been changed to “If Selected Item does not have any value”.

- Total # of actions used: 1,293


1.1.2 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Fixed “Video from GIF (GIF to Video)” from returning to the main menu of the shortcut if a Video was not selected.

- Removed 6 unnecessary actions for “Convert to GIF Options” & “Other Options & More.

- Fixed the shortcut from not exiting when pressing the update or rollback button if one is found via the “Check for Updates” option in the Settings menu.

- I am currently looking for ways I can drastically optimize or even improve the code in the ALL THE GIFs! even more within the next few updates. This is just the beginning steps towards that!

- Total # of actions used: 1,327


1.1.1 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Replaced UpdateHub Beta (for iOS 13) with “Swing Updater Interface” integration type in the “Check for Updates” option in the Settings menu.

- Removed UpdateHub Beta (for iOS 13) support from “Check for Updates” option in the Settings menu.

- Removed the Wi-Fi Check function from “Check for Updates” as Swing Updater already has this function built into itself! This reduces the amount of actions used by 2.

- Removed the old integration type for Swing Updater, “Swing for Updates”. This reduces the amount of actions used by 3.

- This update is all about update support in ALL THE GIFs! I wanted something fast, lightweight, functional, & customizable. I felt that Swing Updater is just what ALL THE GIFs! needed for a what I wanted to achieve. It was a tough decision for me to figure out how to limit the amount of updaters used in this shortcut. I’ve tried UpdateKit, UpdateHub, and Check for Updates. All are great shortcuts, but one doesn’t do it all as I expect them to. I didn’t want any shortcut checking for updates for ALL THE GIFs! when the shortcut is ran every time. I’d rather have users check for updates manually either through the Check for Updates option in ALL THE GIFs! itself, or through another shortcut. Swing Updater allows both of this to work exactly how I expect it to. I’m sincerely sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings with this message. (Again, this was a tough decision for me to decide upon). I hope you guys can understand.


1.1.0 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Changed how the things work in the “Settings” menu. This has reduced the amount of actions used by 8!

- Thorough testing has been made to ensure this change doesn’t break anything. Users may also notice a slight speed improvement in the “Settings” menu.

- Fixed broken attachments in a few notification actions.

- Fixed the RoutineHub ID for “View Change-log & Release Notes”.


1.0.7 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Color Effects, Presets, & Filters:

- Fixed a bug with “Tint” not asking you to set an intensity for the Hex Color Code chosen.

- Updated the Color Picker for “Tint” to now include a built in Hex Color Code option to type your Hex Code instead of selecting from the preset ones.

- Removed the alert stating “In the next action after this alert, you will be asked if you would like to visit Google's Color Picker to find the perfect Hexadecimal Color Value.” for “Tint”.

- Removed the option to visit Google’s color Picker for “Tint” as its not necessary as much anymore.

- This updated has reduced the amount of actions used by 13!

- Total # of actions used in this version: 1,350


1.0.6 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Reduced the amount of actions used by 11 and other small general improvements.


1.0.5 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 12
- All folders and sub-folders necessary for ALL THE GIFs! to function properly are now created at the beginning of the shortcut. This has reduced the amount of actions used by 4.

- Fixed “GIF Gallery Clean-up”. Bye bye “Create Folder” trick.


1.0.4 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 12
- “Extract & Save Frames of Video/GIF” has been renamed to “Extract & Save Frames from GIF/Video”.

- “Extract & Save Frames from GIF/Video” has been slightly modified and now uses 2 less actions than before. Major credits go to @pfg for finding a solution for removing a “Get Repeat Results” variable for this function.

- Added a count for the notification shown after extracting & saving frames from a GIF/Video stating how many frames have been saved to your gallery.

- Removed the Convert Frames from Image for “Extract & Save Frames from GIF/Video” to JPEG to preserve quality of the chosen frames.

- Removed a “Quick Look” action from “Save GIF from URL” as one is already in place for the function that gets called.


1.0.3 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 12
- Fixed extracting frames from a Video for the option “Extract & Save Frames of Video/GIF”.

- Fixed an odd bug with “Extract & Save Frames if Video/GIF”.

- Fixed “Send as Message” in the “Share Options” menu.

- Fixed a small error for “Tint” in the “Color Presets” sub-menu of “Color Effects, Presets, & Filters.

- Removed the “If (If Result) is Re-Edit” statement as it isn’t needed. (It was just an empty If statement anyways).

- Removed more “Get Variable” actions that actually aren’t needed anymore.

- Removed exactly 20 “Get Clipboard” actions and made use of magic variables.

- Adjusted Credits.

- Total # of actions used: 1,384


1.0.2 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 12
- Fixed Spelling for “Change Orientation of GIF” for “GIF Gallery”.


1.0.1 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 12
- Squashed a pesky bug with “Color Effects, Presets, & Filters” throwing a quick look error. This was due to the server URL used. With the changes applied in this version, the server url used will always be dedicated to your IP address so that no issues will occur.


1.0.0 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 12
- Initial version release with Swing Updater for iOS 13 & UpdateHub Beta support!

- ALL THE GIFs! (iOS 13) now uses a multi-decimal system for version numbers thanks to both Swing Updater for iOS 13 and UpdateHub Beta!

- UpdateKit has been removed from ALL THE GIFs! (iOS 13 version only!) due to changes made by Apple in iOS 13 version of Siri Shortcuts that has broken functions in UpdateKit.

- UpdateHub’s “Manual Search” feature has replaced UpdateKit’s implementation for the “Check for Updates” option in the “Settings” menu.

- Fixed all “If” actions that were broken from updating to iOS 13.

- Removed any “Get Variable” actions that didn’t get removed automatically.

- Must download:

Swing Updater for iOS 13 Installer -

UpdateHub Beta -