
Shortcuts Icon Editor

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2.9 2 months ago
iOS 13
- Shortcut Icon Glyph has been changed.


2.8 2 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Discord discriminator tag updated for contacting me.

- You can now view the result of your selection before a link is generated for a shortcut to be imported into your library.


2.7 6 months ago
iOS 13
- Replaced Embed-a-Update integration with SFU (Swing for Updates) integration.

- Swing Updater must be installed to check for updates!

- This has reduced the amount of actions used in this shortcut by 36!

- The iOS 12 version of Shortcuts Icon Editor has been unpublished from RoutineHub and is no longer available for public download. Sorry guys.

Total # of actions: 88


2.6 6 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Bug fix.

- A notification is now shown for the excluded color to choose from for `Icon Color Changer`.

- Removed the check in place for `Random Color` option in `Icon Color Changer` that would check the chosen shortcut’s icon color and make sure it wouldn’t be picked again at random. It’s not needed anymore as that color is filtered/excluded out from the Random Color to select from.


2.5 6 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- `Icon Color Changer` now shows the icon glyph of the shortcut selected on every color to choose from (excluding `Random Color`)!

- Base64 Encoded shortcut icons of every color without a glyph are no longer used for the `Icon Color Changer` vCard menu! The colors to choose from are now dynamically generated from an empty shortcut’s .plist file!

- Credits to @Shortycuts for helping out with this update!


2.4 6 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- `Icon Color Changer` will no longer show the color available to select that is already applied to the shortcut icon chosen! (Credits to @Midnite for getting this to work).

- `Random Color` option in `Icon Color Changer` will no longer choose the same color of the color already applied to the shortcut icon chosen!


2.3 6 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Reduction of 3 actions from `Icon Color Changer`.


2.2 6 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
- `Glyph Changer` has been rewritten and has been reduced in actions used by 13! The downside to this change is that a icon glyph count is no longer shown per category. To counter this, the count of icon glyphs are now shown in the notification upon choosing a category.


2.1 7 months ago
iOS 13
- Updated the empty .plist text. This changes the `WFWorkflowClientVersion` value from `1030.13` to `1050.4.7` for `Glyph Changer`.


2.0 7 months ago
iOS 13
- These 11 Shortcut Icon Glyphs have been removed completely from the `Hidden/Removed` category of `Glyph Changer` as they automatically convert to a glyph already accessible in a shortcut’s icon settings upon importing one:

* Stop
* Filmstrip
* Record Video
* Glasses
* Minimize
* Circle Euro
* Circle Pound
* Circle Yen
* Circle Bitcoin
* Note
* Paper

- Only 3 Shortcut Icon Glyphs remain now in the `Hidden/Removed` category of `Glyph Changer`.


1.9 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- `Hidden/Removed` is back as a new category for `Glyph Changer` with 14 Shortcut Icon Glyphs to use! These range from secret hidden icon glyphs that weren’t available for selection in iOS 12 and glyphs that have been removed from iOS 13!

- Most Shortcut Icon Glyphs have new and improved official names thanks to Voice Control showing the actual names of them! (See these Reddit posts for more information: &

- Total # of actions: 122


1.8 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Reduction of 3 actions.


1.7 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Color Names for `Icon Color Changer` has been changed… yet again!

Here is a quick view of the color name transformations (Before —> After):

Coral —> Red
Peach —> Vermilion
Tangerine —> Apricot
Turmeric —> Pollen
Pear —> Mint
Mint —> Turquoise
Peacock —> Light Blue
Cornflower —> Cerulean
Periwinkle—> Delft Blue
Amethyst —> Violet
Orchid —> Lilac
Blossom —> Light Pink
Steel —> Fog
Charcoal —> Limestone
Taupe —> Sand

I have decided to change the names based on the “Show names” action via Voice Control option that can be found in Settings. The new colors are what the Shortcut’s developer team has decided to name the colors for shortcut icons!


1.6 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Updated the color names for “Icon Color Changer”. Credits to @ROP for giving permission for me to use the color names he has chosen to use for “MediaKit banners”.

- Rewritten and updated credits in comment action and changed it to plain text.


1.5 10 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Reduced the amount of actions used by 14. (Back down to 122 actions used!)


1.4 10 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- It is no longer necessary for the shortcut to open your Shortcut iCloud URL in Safari now for you to download your edited shortcut! Thanks to the help of an import .shortcut file shortcut for iOS 13, I was able to implement this in Shortcuts Icon Editor!


1.3 10 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Removed one “Set Name” action as it is actually not necessary for this shortcut to function properly.


1.2 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Updated the “Empty Shortcut’s .plist“ code. This should fix any issues that might occur when changing any shortcut’s icon glyph. (If any issues.)

Edit: This update appears to have fixed this bug: - The “Objects” category for “Glyph Changer” is prone to crashing the Shortcuts app after a few seconds upon pressing it.


1.1 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- All bold font text has been changed to plain text.

Known bug:

- The “Objects” category for “Glyph Changer” is prone to crashing the Shortcuts app after a few seconds upon pressing it. I’m not sure why this occurs, but I will be looking into it.


1.0 10 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Initial version release with Embed-a-Update support!