
Blind Diary

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2.5 1 month, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
❤️ Enjoying Blind Diary? Consider leaving a like on the RoutineHub page!

• Stats now Display average character, word, and sentence counts (Ø).
• Stats, Badges and (partially) Graphs now support going back to menu, and will display their content immediately if opening them again and being in the same session.
• Added more Information in case of a function error.
• You can now choose not to submit an entry.
• Removed debug function to recalculate Entries.txt as the feature is deprecated and no longer functional (and could potentially break your Settings.txt).
• Manual update menus now tell you why you see them.
• Fixed bug that would cause word count related achievements not to be announced when gained.
• Added 4 new beginner-related achievements, which are easy to get and introduce users to the various types of badges. If you have been using Blind Diary for any significant amount of time, you'll likely receive these achievements immediately (check them after submitting an entry or via the menu).
• Minor improvements


2.4.2 2 months ago
iOS 13
❤️ Enjoying Blind Diary? Consider leaving a like on the RoutineHub page!

• When finished adding an entry, you will now see a menu to check for achievements or open Blind Diary.
• Deprecated file converter as announced. If you were using Blind Diary months ago and now returned, you might need to install a previous version to convert your diary before you're able to access old entries properly.


2.4.1 3 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
❤️ Enjoying Blind Diary? Consider leaving a like on the RoutineHub page!

• Made achievement checks optional. Your progress will always be checked for when visiting the Badges tab.
• Achievement checks will be done in the shortcuts app by force, as it crashes in the share sheet.


2.4 4 months ago
iOS 13
❤️ Join our discord for support, news and general talk! Find the link on the RoutineHub page or within the shortcut.

• This shortcut can now get updates without ever leaving the shortcuts app! Thanks a ton, @mvan231!
• Removed some excess actions
• Clarified comment boxes to state more clearly what the modules do
• The shortcut will no longer attempt to update when you're submitting an entry using the share sheet (this improves speed and stability)
• Implemented Badges function
• Implemented Badges section to view unlocked achievements
• After adding an entry, the shortcut will see if you unlocked any new achievements and display alerts as appropriate
• 16 new Achievements! You'll unlock them by actively writing entries!


2.3.2 4 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
❤️ Join our discord for support, news and general talk! Find the link on the RoutineHub page or within the shortcut.

• Fixed charts only displaying one category of stats



2.3.1 4 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
❤️ Do you enjoy Blind Diary? Consider giving it a like on the RoutineHub page!

• Introducing Charts, created by user/mvan231! To be found under the stats section. See the About page to visit mvan231's page.
• Minor fixes and squashed typos
• "View Entry" will now show more accurate word counts for entries instead of rounded numbers.
• WordCount ("9w") has been deprecated in the main modules but will be kept for future use and customisation of exports in the future.
• Added disclaimer when a rollback is available, as this is 99% caused by me forgetting to update the version number internally.



2.3 4 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
❤️ Thanks for 1000 downloads!

• Minor Interface improvements and bug fixes
• Added 10(!) custom date formats. Choose your favourite in the settings.
• Added conversion module which will automatically update your entry file. Please allow a few seconds for this to function, if you have many (150+) entries and an older device, it may take up to one minute. This will be deprecated in a future version.
• Added groundwork for statistic charts.
• Added debug module, which allows you to reset your settings file or recalculate the Entries.txt file (until that feature is deprecated)
• Stats will now load using precalculated statistics in the file. Loading speed sadly hasn't changed much.
• Edit Entry now supports the new entry file format, including selector
• TXT Generator will now respect your custom date format in the [Date] tag
• PDF Generator will now use your custom date everywhere.
• New welcome Screen with swipeable pages.
• Fixed Settings file not being used on first run

• Charts

• Achievements / Badges


2.2.2 5 months ago
iOS 13
• Minor interface improvements
• Embed-a-Update has been modified so you decide if and when it runs (Never/Online/On Wifi/Always Ask) - visit the settings to change your preferences (Default = Update with internet). This replaces the on/off toggle for updates, but if you previously turned it off, it will remain disabled.
• You can now choose the way entries are sorted in the menu when viewing single entries - oldest or most recent first (Default = Oldest)
• Updated FAQ
• When in a settings module, you will see the current setting status explained.

• Custom Date mechanics, Date format set through settings file


2.2.1 5 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
• 2.2 Hotfix

New since 2.2:

• Minor FAQ improvements
• Linked the Blind Diary Discord in the More... section. Please join!
• Added setting to enable/disable automatic updates. Default = Enabled
• Added setting to choose security level - disabled, alert only, passcode, password, or Touch/FaceID (Toolkit Pro Required). Default = Alert Only
• Added comments describing the modules

• Custom Date mechanics, Date format set through settings file
• Change sorting through Settings file
• Updated FAQ Page


2.2 5 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
• Minor FAQ improvements
• Linked the Blind Diary Discord in the More... section. Please join!
• Added setting to enable/disable automatic updates. Default = Enabled
• Added setting to choose security level - disabled, alert only, passcode, password, or Touch/FaceID (Toolkit Pro Required). Default = Alert Only
• Added comments describing the modules

• Custom Date mechanics, Date format set through settings file
• Change sorting through Settings file
• Updated FAQ Page


2.1 5 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
• Minor PDF maker improvements
• Minor Stats improvements
• Minor View Diary improvements
• Minor FAQ improvements
• Replaced Edit Entry Interface with a straightforward text box - I finally found a good alternative!
• Added Text Box as New Entry method
• Removed HTML Entry method due to confusion. Thanks again Beneto for providing it in the past.
• Blind Diary got an emoji makeover to reduce time spent reading. Because nobody likes reading.
• Bye, Blind Diary Lite! The shortcut will still be available on my profile.

• Settings! Customise aspects of the shortcut to your liking
• Disable Automatic Updates
• Select your Security
• Choose your date format


2.0.3 5 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
• Reduced action count, increased speed for "Back to Menu" options & added more of those.
• View Diary now respects line breaks in your entries and will display them properly.
• Broke, and fixed, PDF generation.
• Removed Double Update information. You will only be shown changes before updating.
• LastVersion.txt is no longer used, making Blind Diary a one-file-shortcut.

• Improvements for PDF maker & FAQ page


2.0.2 5 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
• 2.0.1 Hotfix

New since 2.0.1:

• The New Entry Button has received a first overhaul - you will now be shown multiple methods you can use to make your entry. Using the Notes app is the recommended method.

• Improvements for PDF maker & FAQ page


2.0.1 5 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
• The New Entry Button has received a first overhaul - you will now be shown multiple methods you can use to make your entry. Using the Notes app is the recommended method.

• Improvements for PDF maker & FAQ page


2.0 5 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
Welcome to 2.0.0! You can now edit entries. Also new since 1.9: Custom Plaintext Generator, Ressource Box (inside Help & FAQ).

• Minor improvements
• Edit Entries is now functional. Looking for feedback, especially regarding selecting and editing the entry, and confirming your edit.
• The Ressource Box now features a handful of links to various articles regarding journaling & CBT - with more to come. You're welcome to suggest articles.
• FAQ has been updated to explain how to edit entries.

• Improvements for PDF maker & FAQ page


1.9.2 6 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
This diary now uses Entries.txt as its main file. Backups will subsequently be made of this file from now on (if you choose to make any). You can still generate a diary.txt file to view your diary as plaintext.

• Many pieces of information and files are now variables for added stability
• Diary.txt is no longer used in this shortcut
• Stats is now calculated through getting all entry contents, which makes it 100% accurate, finally. Slight performance decrease, sorry.
• EntryCount.txt is no longer used in this shortcut
• Shortcut will now detect and disallow trying to view your entries if you have none.
• Introducing: TXT Generator - this tool will assist you in creating a .txt version of your diary, completely to your tastes.

• Edit Entries function

• Resources: psychological aspects, exercises, recommendations
• BD CONVERTER: Conversion shortcut for latecomers in the future | Infrastructure inside BD | Checker for old/new file system (only needed if entries.txt is going to be changed for editing)
• Settings file? Dictionary you get and change and then save again
• Improvements for PDF maker
• [Leaderboards, Amendments & Advanced Stats have been delayed until further notice due to being out of scope or not possible with my current knowledge]


1.9.1 6 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
If you just saw a welcome screen despite already being a user, no worries! No progress was lost.

• Minor adjustments & improvements
• Welcome screen is now only shown once, using HTML
• Change logs will be shown every time an important update was installed successfully
• About section now shows more information about the shortcut, as well as the current folder used.
• Updated FAQ, it will be expanded as new questions arise.

• Resources: psychological aspects, exercises, recommendations
• Add & Edit Amendments (menu, select entry > select amendment or make new > compose screen)
• Edit previous entries (must update word count)
• Move From diary.txt to entries.txt as main file (to enable edits and amendments)
• Update stats to calculate from entries.txt, filtering the right key in dictionary; more stats like frequent words used
• BD CONVERTER: Conversion shortcut for latecomers in the future | Infrastructure inside BD | Checker for old/new file system
• Generator of Diary.txt with preset and custom styles (::: or whatever you want)
• Improvements for PDF maker
• [Leaderboards have been delayed until further notice]


1.9 6 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
This shortcut is preparing departure to 2.0.0! Please update the shortcut when asked, as future updates will introduce infrastructure changes that will need a special converter once I remove it from the main shortcut. (You won't need to do anything if you update frequently!)

• Configure sheet updated
• Shortcut folder is now a variable you can change for debugging (not recommended for general use).
• Read time in stats is now displayed as X hours, XX minutes.
• Read time will now be shared when you choose to share your stats
• FAQ is now a HTML page with more info
• Minor improvements
• PDF can now be saved to files
• More PDF sizes (please give feedback on this)
• You can now set title of your diary
• Introduced the Feelings Inventory (under Help & FAQ)

Refer to 1.9.1 Upcoming list


1.8.2 7 months ago
iOS 13
• Added Index for PDF from diary
• Added larger text version for PDF
• Customizable subtitle in PDF
• Cross reference to Blind Diary Lite
• Minor fixes

• Leaderboards


1.8.1 7 months ago
iOS 13
• Added "Make PDF" functionality in the export diary section
• Adjusted welcome text
• Updated FAQ
• Updated About section
• Removed excess actions

• Blind Diary Lite
• Leaderboards?


1.8 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
• Goodbye UpdateKit! It’s been fun.
• Now includes Embed-a-Update, meaning this shortcut will update itself with no additional shortcuts needed!
• Added alert when viewing a diary with less than 2 entries, as this will make the “View Entry...” function not work correctly.
• Made the Stats Page even more accurate by subtracting even more excess characters.

• Blind Diary Lite
• More Backup/Export options
• Leaderboards?


1.7.6 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
• Another hotfix, finally addressing the actual problem new users had when creating their first entry. I’m deeply sorry for not having noticed this earlier. If you’ve ran the shortcut first somewhere in 1.7.x but couldn’t create an entry yet, please delete the folder /iCloud Drive/Shortcuts/blindDiary in the files app and run the shortcut again.

• Blind Diary Lite
• More Backup/Export options
• UpdateKit optimisations
• Leaderboards?


1.7.5 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
• 1.7.4 Hotfix

Changes since 1.7.4:

• (Hopefully) fixed bug that you might encounter when you create an entry on your first run of the shortcut. Please report if it still occurs.
• Fixed stats showing word/character counts without any entries (this makes your stats even more accurate!)
• Removed excess actions in the stat menu
• Minor improvements

• Blind Diary Lite
• More Backup/Export options
• UpdateKit optimisations
• Leaderboards?


1.7.4 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
• (Hopefully) fixed bug that you might encounter when you create an entry on your first run of the shortcut. Please report if it still occurs.
• Fixed stats showing word/character counts without any entries (this makes your stats even more accurate!)
• Removed excess actions in the stat menu
• Minor improvements

• Blind Diary Lite
• More Backup/Export options
• UpdateKit optimisations
• Leaderboards?


1.7.3 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
• Fixed the ASCII fix, sorry for any inconvenience, I took a good amount of time to realize it.
• Reintroduced “More...” - it’s here to stay!
• Merged export & backup functionality
• Minor improvements

• Blind Diary Lite
• More Backup/Export options
• Fix for stats when no entries have been made yet
• UpdateKit optimisations
• Leaderboards?


1.7.2 7 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
• Introduced patch for Unicode-ASCII conversions. The symbol ‘ should no longer convert into ’ (thanks u/OmgImAlexis!).
• Added read time estimate for your diary - mine currently takes over 3 hours, and yours? ;)

• Fix for stats showing excess words when having 0 entries
• Better Backups
• Export Diary
• ... Diary Light?
• “delete Entries.txt” function for debugging
• reintroduce “More...” to avoid clutter
• optimize UpdateKit loading
• Leaderboards?


1.7.1 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
• 1.7 hot-fix
• Fixed some interface text
• Fixed JSON file generation for new users (please delete your Entries.txt file if you started using this shortcut during Version 1.7, this won’t delete your diary but fix your View Diary function)
• Adjusted setup text.

• reintroduce “More...”
• optimise UpdateKit loading


1.7 7 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
• Sped up the View Diary process significantly by introducing a separate, dictionary-based file. This will be especially noticeable when you have 50+ entries - the opening speed drops to less than 2 seconds.
• The New Entry function is back, thanks to u/Solground!
• Introduced the About section which will give credit where credit is due.
• Minor fixes & improvements


1.6.2 8 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
1.6.1 hotfix. Adjusted some menu text.


1.6.1 8 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Completed the 1.6 update - the “More...” section is now the standard screen. You can now view the FAQ to gain information regarding the shortcut. Minor adjustments, updated welcome text.


1.6 8 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Removed in-shortcut entry creation, due to severe instability and unfriendly user interface. Pressing the new entry button will instead show you how to create a new entry and redirect you to the Notes app. Minor fixes, removed obsolete information.

Todo: remove entire “More...” functionality and have everything in one menu instead, with a more detailed tutorial for entries.


1.5.2 8 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Minor adjustments. Removed UpdateKit notifications as they are unnecessary.


1.5.1 9 months ago
iOS 13
Minor fixes and adjustments. Entry number now displayed in select screen.


1.5 9 months ago
iOS 13
Massively improved viewing functionality, optimized HTML interfaces. Might take slightly longer to load, but is now much more structured (using dictionaries). Introduced minimal credits within HTML, appropriate to amount of content displayed. Minor fixes and improvements. Also introduces word counts included in the entry selection and viewing fields, 1w = 100 words (easier finding of long entries).


1.4.1 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Improved backups, they now automatically add a title and no longer require double interaction. Updated configuration page to reflect newer features.


1.4 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Presenting a new way of viewing your diary (now uses HTML for a more pleasant viewing experience for both entry and entire diary). Removed some excess actions. Minor fixes.


1.3.3 9 months, 2 weeks ago
iOS 13
Added option to share stats. Stats now take automatic line breaks into account (your sentence count will be lowered). Minor fixes


1.3.2 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Minor fixes, removed some excess actions, improved indicators when update kit is not installed.


1.3.1 9 months, 4 weeks ago
iOS 13
Minor fixes and reordering of some actions. Added another bit of information in the “More...” section.

If you haven’t visited the “More...” page in a while, please do!


1.3 10 months ago
iOS 13
Changed the way you view your diary. You can now choose specific entries or view the entire diary as usual. Minor fixes.


1.2.2 10 months ago
iOS 13
Added “Stats”, accessible through “More...”. Minor fixes.


1.2.1 10 months ago
iOS 13
Minor improvements: Added alert for people using this shortcut for the first time. Made the configure page slightly more detailed.


1.2 10 months ago
iOS 13
Various improvements, including: Moved information from the main menu to a submenu and updated the information itself. Updated the “customize this shortcut” sheet.


1.1.1 10 months ago
iOS 13
Introduced UpdateKit to Blind Diary, make sure you are using the latest version (To update, just run UpdateKit)!


1.1 10 months ago
iOS 13
Removed passcode and replaced with warning. Added “Quick Entry” which allows you to make entries using the share sheet - just select all text anywhere you wrote it up, press share and run the shortcut.


1.0.1 10 months ago
iOS 13
Added alert regarding instabilities of the shortcuts app. Added another line of space between entries, it looks a little nicer. Added entry confirmation so you know that the text has been saved.


1.0 10 months ago
iOS 13
Initial release