Backup Your Shortcuts To iCloud

Backup your shortcuts in a way that is iOS 13 & 14 compatible.


iOS 13 Removes the ability for the shortcuts app to open a .shortcut file. iOS 14 does not restore that ability. This means the only way to restore a shortcut from a backup is if you do so from an iCloud link.

This shortcut walks through the process of creating an iCloud link for each of your shortcuts, and saving the links to a text file. The file is then saved to the Files app with the date and name of your device. This makes it easy to restore old versions of shortcuts if needed.

In a future version of this shortcut I may support creating an “exclude list” of existing shortcuts to automatically skip when performing a backup task.

Latest Release Notes

2.0 - July 23, 2020, 8:20 p.m.

Generate all links with a single click instead of requiring a click for each shortcut.

Past versions