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1.2.1 1 week, 6 days ago
iOS 13
- Small adaptations to the integrated updater

- Private and Public story downloading is back, all without the use of third party websites!
- Removed third-party website for downloading stories (to download stories from within the Instagram app, simply click on the “(•••)” above any post of an Instagram account and press “Get Username (Profile Picture or Story)”.
- Less actions, which means more efficient.
- Removed Embed-a-Update and added a smaller integrated updater.
- Clipboard downloading is fixed
- Widget option is enabled

If you encounter any problems or would like to see new features such as “Copy Caption”, please leave a message at the RoutineHub page of this shortcut or at my Reddit u/misterperfectman.


1.2 1 week, 6 days ago
iOS 13
If you encounter any problems or would like to see new features such as “Copy Caption”, please leave a message at the RoutineHub page of this shortcut or at my Reddit u/misterperfectman.

- Private and Public story downloading is back, all without the use of third party websites!
- Removed third-party website for downloading stories (to download stories from within the Instagram app, simply click on the “(•••)” above any post of an Instagram account and press “Get Username (Profile Picture or Story)”.
- Less actions, which means more efficient.
- Removed Embed-a-Update and added a smaller integrated updater.
- Clipboard downloading is fixed
- Widget option is enabled


1.1 2 months ago
iOS 13
It’s been a while, but this is InstaUltimate’s biggest update yet!
- More efficient than before (rebuild the public and private post option)
- Problem with private and public posts has been fixed

Unfortunately Instagram does not let the shortcut download stories from private accounts anymore
- Discontinued: Downloading from private stories
- Sometimes the shortcut crashes (problem with Apple’s Shortcuts app not able to handle the workload). If that happens, just try again.

4740 downloads 6 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Thank you for using this shortcut! If you encounter any problems, please visit the RoutineHub page of this shortcut or go to my Reddit u/misterperfectman.

- Small bugfix for story downloading (shortcut couldn’t fetch videos when a story consisted of both photos and videos)


1.0.5 6 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
- Loading times of the shortcut and the main menu are greatly reduced
- Downloading stories has been fixed
- Better reliability when downloading media from private accounts


1.0.4 9 months, 1 week ago
iOS 13
Thank you for using this shortcut! If you encounter any problems, please visit the RoutineHub page of this shortcut or go to my reddit u/misterperfectman.

Fixes and new features:
- InstaUltimate now downloads media from public profiles directly from Instagram instead of through a third party website!
- When the shortcut is started from within the Instagram app, it now opens Safari automatically when it recognizes a private Instagram account.
- Fixed the “Private Accounts” loop
- Fixed an error when fetching profile pictures

If you enjoy InstaUltimate, please consider leaving a like and/or comment on either RoutineHub or Reddit!


1.0.3 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Thank you so much for downloading and using this shortcut! I wasn’t expecting so many downloads in the first couple of days so I worked hard to make everything more efficient and to optimize the shortcut even more.

An exciting new update is here with some major changes:
- Fixed downloading stories, posts (both images and videos) from private accounts
- Improved “Private Accounts" main menu option with Safari Viewer (no need to go to the Safari app to download from private accounts)
- Get Username” from within the Instagram app now skips the main menu and goes directly to the “Profile Picture or Story” menu, so no need to click “Clipboard” from the main menu anymore after you run the shortcut from within the Instagram app
- Added the ability to set a time interval for checking for new updates, which now loads the shortcut much faster
- Drastically improved the overall consistency and speed of the shortcut by removing/replacing actions


1.0.2 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Added the ability to download stories and media from private accounts you follow (see description or "Need Help?" section in the shortcut itself)
- Integrated a newer version of the Embed-a-Update updater
- Updated the "Need Help?" section
- Minor improvements to the "Directly from within the Instagram app" process

112 downloads 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Notification "You have the latest version of InstaUltimate!" removed
- Shortcut removed from Shortcuts Widget (problem with running it from the Widget, will be addressed in a later update)


1.0.1 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
- Removed unnecessary menus
- Added [Embed-a-Update] integration which notifies for new updates to the shortcut


1.0 9 months, 3 weeks ago
iOS 13
Initial Release