Let’s Go!

Have Siri tell you your commute dynamically!


Shoutout to Reddit User u/mvan213 for helping me with this shortcut!

This will pull up your calendar and determine if anything in your day is coming up. It then pulls the location of that event and with Siri’s voice tells you about your commute (eta, name of event, arrival time, and weather conditions) pulls up navigation, then plays audio. If you don’t have anything on your calendar, it will navigate home. If you are home and have nothing, it just plays audio :)

Use case? CAR PLAY AUTOMATIONS BABY! Just plug in your phone and go! Or, if you are poor like me, use an NFC tag in your car mount for your phone :) either works well!

Set up is simple. The import questions take care of most of this. Just make sure your calendar has events with locations on a map. Just follow the directions and you will be good to go!

I would love people to try this and give feed back. This has room to grow including iMessageing people your eta.

Make sure you have installed the latest version of LightningUpdate. our updater functions through this shortcut. if you want to download an older version, let us know why and we can use that feedback to improve future versions (then download that older version from the repo)

Latest Release Notes

3.3 - April 6, 2020, 6:59 p.m.

Version 3.3 Release Notes
- I have taken the time to embed an updater. Up next, weather hack implementation and speeding up the shortcut

- Total Actions: #138
- Created on iOS 13.4
- Released at 2020-04-06

Past versions