Add Movie to Calendar

Adds an event to calendar that auto fills details of the specified film


This shortcut is designed to be relatively simple once configured. When run, it will ask for the title of the movie you’re seeing, ex “First Man” (entered without quotes). The shortcut then asks when you’re seeing the movie, and using the runtime of the movie, is able to calculate when the movie will end (with 15 minutes added for trailers). A menu will ask which theater you plan on going to (configured upon import). The event is created and named with the title of the film, with location set as the selected theater, and start time based on previous entry. The end time is provided by the calculation mentioned above, and the plot of the film is entered in the notes.

You will need to register for an API Key at

Latest Release Notes

1.03 - Oct. 22, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

Updated comments.

Past versions