Item Lookup

Look up any product by typing its name or scanning its barcode!


Item Lookup is a shortcut that turns shopping into a breeze. With a simple barcode scan or search, instantly find any item on Amazon, Walmart, Target, Besy Buy, or Kohl’s.

Item Lookup doesn’t stop there, giving you the option to compare the price of the item you search between all five of these stores, saving you money and time.

Have an item you purchase more than once? This shortcut keeps a log of every item that you scan or search, allowing your most bought items to be purchased or compared throughout stores in an instant.


Search item through barcode

Type item manually and search

Search an item you have already scanned or looked up

Compare item’s price between five stores

Clear item history to start fresh

Planned Features:

Add more stores

Improve price checking

Fix lag/slow loading when comparing item price with Target

Squash some bugs

Speed up price search

Latest Release Notes

1.1 - Oct. 23, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Changed UpdateKit to open a web browser inside shortcuts if not installed. Changed capitalization of certain text. Added Costco as a store option. Wegmens is giving me a hard time.

Past versions