Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Randomizer (Disney+)

Plays a random episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Apple TV


Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Randomizer

Upon user requests I built another Randomizer shortcut for Disney+ , basically the same as my former Simpsons Randomizer. This one chooses a random Mickey Mouse clubhouse episode and plays it either on your iOS device or even on your AppleTV.

The shortcut has two options to choose from:

  • either it starts the playback of the chosen episode directly or
  • it shows a little summary page with details of the episode before playing

The first option might be better for full automations where user interaction is not desired. The second one looks more slick and offers the possibility to abort if you don't like the chosen episode at all (very unlikely).

Upon installation the shortcut also asks for your desired target device where you want to watch. Besides watching on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch it's possible to choose your Apple TV here as well! In this case your iOS device will AirPlay the episode to your Apple TV automatically.

Of course you can change your decisions later by editing the Shortcut. You can also build an automation, e.g. NFC-triggered which just runs this shortcut. You can also use a Siri phrase to run it.

Preconditions: You need an active Disney+ subscription and an iOS device with the Disney+ iOS app installed. If you want to use an Apple TV please make sure to install the app there as well.

Preview (with details page):


Latest Release Notes

1.00 - Nov. 16, 2019, 7:43 p.m.

initial release

Past versions