Travel Packing List

Adds a Travel Packing List template to Things


This shortcut adds a “Travel Packing List” project to Things. It asks for the travel date, and sets reminders and deadlines based on that date, as well as lists different groups of items under their own headings.

The idea behind this is to add it to Things once you know you’re traveling, and it’ll stay out of your way until it’s time to pack.

The shortcut can be customized to show whatever items and headings you’d like.

This app supports UpdateKit. As such, if an update is released, choose the option to keep both in order to more easily migrate your lists from the old version to the new version.

Latest Release Notes

1.31 - Oct. 25, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

Removed some unnecessary actions from the shortcut.

Past versions